peter sorry guys i dont see the point of having both displayed at the same time you have a fantastic large graphical display showing you exactly where you are then you have an absolutely accurate numeric readout of two choices of either elapsed or remaining time which is easily switchable. A clock to let you know real time and a next song showing, why would you need to see instantly elapsed and remaining time? am i missing an operational scenario i havent considered, can you explain the reasoning for this request as i am always looking for better ways of operating.
My thoughts of having both displayed, it would confuse me more having extra information in display by having to filter out in my brain which time to consider, normally i would choose one option and remain with that at all times as it does not change and allways works the same.The idea for manual choice is there for a good reason everyone chooses what suits them and hides the other option to keep the interface simple and on stage user friendly i always use time remaining it would really confuse me to change to elapsed time as i dont need to know what i used i need to know what time i have remaining so i can prepare for next operation, now this all hapens very quickly on stage i dont need another unnecessary indicator to clatter my interface and confuse me at a time while i am singing, playing an instrument and communicating with my audiance.
Please explain the reasoning for this request as i am allways keen to consider other ways of operating.