Hello there.
My band uses click and cue channels true Cubasis multi output. I assigned in ‘Assign Action’ > ‘Start/Stop’ midi command, that is coming from a midi track located in any of my projects - which is great, but I miss ‘choose a specific song’ or ‘choose song number’ in the ‘Assign Action’ menu. This will make a hole new group of musicians ( those, who uses multitrack outputs apps ) to choose the ‘Stagetraxx’ for doing gigs...with this midi command the only ‘play button’ will be pushed 😀


How exactly would you do this with libraries spanning couple of hundred tracks? Would you like to have a song specific setting where you define bank select and program changes for each song?

    Something like this ... at least it’s how it works in similar applications 🙂. I’m not sure if it’s a lot of work or not - it’s what I see will be very comfortable (and logical at least for me). Maybe put numbers on songs in a playlist and then learn a command of choice ( I like to use notes because on choosing a note I se even the number of the note : 36 song on my playlist map to c1 from ch1 (the 36 note on the keyboard)...then just keep with the channel- 2,3,4 ...🙂 those are more than couple of hundreds... and an option that will bring people like me: multiple outputs, streaming from the same project ...don’t have to export mixes and then export another one because you don’t like the bass 🙂. You take my point

    Hm, so you would suggest having playlist items numbered. But then send for example program change 2 would bring a different songs depending on the playlist. I don't think that would be very practical. I think you want to define a specific number for a song and whenever you send that pc command, the same song will be loaded. I guess that makes more sense.

    And yes, multitrack playback is already on my todo list but there are very few requests for this feature, so I have not yet scheduled it for a specific version.

      yes. Sorry it’s my Bad English! An example: I have all my projects in Cubasis-multitrack-multiout...they have their names already. In an empty midi track in every project I can put some notes, one will trigger the same song from the playlist ( it will show the lyrics for everyone in the session)and the second one will trigger the ‘start/stop’ command ... the rest is playing🙂 This simple command will let me control the hole set the hole night true Cubasis, where I have my mixer, effects ... everything I need to touch often true the set

      Ok, here I’m again.
      I want to clear myself
      In Cubasis I have project called “sorry for my English” . I have the same song “Sorry...” in my playlist in ST3. In Cubasis I added a midi track with just one note that trigger the ‘start/stop’ in ST3. I would like to have the ability to put one more note in the same Cubasis’s track, that will trigger ‘select this song “Sorry...” ... maybe in the lyrics of the song, you can put some editable numeric tag, where I can say: ‘this song is N36’ the in the ‘action’ menu I can choose song N36 and learn a note from the midi track. For example C1, I can put it in the midi track in Cubasis( which is numbered 36(there won’t be a mistake with the numbers)) will be the trigger for selecting this song and then trigger the ‘start/stop’ command

      Yes I understand you. But I don't like the note approach to choose a song. With this you are limited to 127 songs. So what I think will work is to add a bank and program change number to each song details view and that would make it possible to have 127*127 (about 16.000) songs choosable via midi program change.

        yes, 127 x 16 channels = more than enough. Any approach will do the job ... this with the notes was just an example - note 36 triggers song36 it’s just easy to understand🙂 . If you do the job with the 16000 choices a lot of people will be very happy- sounds great!

        OK, if you use channels also. But this is a highly unusual approach that I have not seen in any other app.

        I think I will stick with program changes. I will try to schedule this feature for version 3.3.

          Great, thanks for your time, for been listening . Will wait to see that in action.

          have a good night