DickyDutch Might be a rounding issue, or do you maybe trim your songs? I guess the current code does not account trimmed starts or endings, I will take a look.
Beejaywh Currently the commands are for pressing the start stop button. So they are only triggered when you actually touch that button.
So if I understand correctly you would like to have global midi commands for start of playback and end of playback, right? But what is start and end of playback? Is it for each song, or if you have autoplay start will only fire at the beginning of the first track and end at the end of the last track with autoplay? And how about crossfades? If you crossfade, the start of a song is triggered before the end of the previous song!
I'm not sure this can be accounted for with global midi settings. With timecoded midi you can omit the song end commands when you know that another song will follow with autoplay (and possibly crossfade). On other songs, you can send reverb off right before the end.
Having a global song start playback and end playback midi command could lead to some nasty unwanted situations.