Volume drops off and can hear only slightly through the PA system. This has happened now three times in the last few weeks. Each time has been different as in one time IPhone through BT. Another time was through my Bose mixer into L1 pro 32 system. The last time was through a venue PA system coneected through DI box into house mixer. Each time just suddenly cuts out and but reduced volume coming through. Since it’s 3 different venues and 3 different connections I am thinking it must be hardware. I have the latest up grade of 18.3.1 on my IPhone as well as my IPad Pro which both have lots of storage available. What can it be

Is it possible that your iPhone receives a notification (maybe a message or a call)? That would drop the sound of any other app as system notifications always have precedence. So if this is the case, use Airplane mode during your gig.

    Merged 1 post from Cuts out with volume.

    peter no once on IPhone using BT and sound was still there but reduced by 75% at least. The other time it was IPad Pro and same thing and both were in do not disturb with notifications off. The third time was no sound for about a flash and then came back. All three different venues with different connections. Only thing is Stage Traxx and IOS device in all 3 scenarios. I have used Stage Traxx for several years and this is my first encounter. I use backing tracks in all 3 set ups and did not happen on same song either time

      This only happens on Bluetooth?

      No it happened once with Bt using iPhone and the other time was hard wired through a DI box and adapter into the venues system from my IPad Pro

      tweettweet51 i had this temporary drop in volume than back again problem, i run hard wired from headphone out on my ipad, it took me a lot of stuffing around to eventually fix it.
      I knew what my cause was but i could not fix it on my own, as Peter said notifications triggered by my phone would effect my iPad as well due to FOCUS sharing with other devices , even though i had notifications turned off on my ipad the phone notifications still had an effect on my ipad while performing , i had aeroplane mode turned on my ipad as well to make sure but still i had interruptions, eventually with Apple support help and lots of stuffing around with stupid, unnecessary, complex, fiddling with FOCUS and still not fully understanding to why this was happening the problem went away.
      So my suggestion is look at focus settings and disable everything in sight and see if the problem disappears.
      Good luck! i keep telling apple keep it simple stupid , but they wont listen 😂

      I have focus turned off on my devices.🤷‍♀️
      I have dbl checked everything tuning off anything that might have triggered it.
      I am thinking since both times with the volume lowering it was through venue PA system. Volume was really loud and my source from my end was high volume. Wondering if it cut down due to excessive volume. That is why I dislike using venue equipment versus my own. I do not have a limit volume turned on my iOS devices that was used but maybe that could be the issue. Just strange it was different venues and this happened. I have run pretty much same set up many times before and never run into this issue.

        tweettweet51 I have focus turned off on my devices.

        Yes so did i , but i found somehow my phone in the same vicinity was getting messages through the 4g network and was passing on the notification to my iPad which was temporarily lowering my volume as the notification was somehow still getting In to my iPad even though i had FOCUS turned off on the iPad and notifications, it was very annoying , i believe i had to turn off things on my iPhone to stop this but i cant remember what, the whole damn operating system is so complicated even apple support was having a hard time working it out, so check all your devices have FOCUS and any other sharing notifications turned off , upgrade your system to the latest in case they have found a workaround so this doesn't happen. Completely turn off and on your devices and x your fingers.
        Good luck , let us know if you discover the solution.
        Cheers Damir

          Damir thank you. I have the latest upgrade and it’s not just momentarily that it goes down so don’t really think it’s notifications which would last for a jiffy. The venue fiddles with their pa and it finally goes back working. I am at a loss but it’s annoying and frustrating. Yep keep fingers crossed and prayers in place.

            tweettweet51 The venue fiddles with their pa and it finally goes back working.

            Then it’s not ST3 causing the issue it’s the level sensing circuit of the venues.
            I came across this at certain venues years ago when playing in a full on live bands in a suburban area to limit the noise level , it was a pain to play in those places ,
            Once you reached the limit for a set time the power on stage would shut down for a period totally stopping the performance , I think they have stopped doing it that way nowadays , perhaps they reduce the level of main mixer instead giving you the effect you get, why don’t you talk to the sound engineer of the venues and find out if that’s the case.