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  • Send MIDI on Stop - is that the same as when a song just ends?

Sorry to have to ask this, but I don't have the hardware to test this for the next few weeks!


Bullet point 3 states "To send a command when you press stop,..."

Does this also apply when a song reaches the end through normal playback, i.e. it is not conditional on intentionally pressing Stop?
E.g. I'm playing a playlist, and at the end of most songs I want to set my guitarist's effects unit to a clean sound. I could use [midi@stop: ...] in those songs to achieve this?

No, it is only sent when you press the stop button.

There is a global command in Settings > Playback Settings that is called "Playback Ends". This is sent whenever playback stops.

    Thanks for confirming that peter

    Would it be possible to also have it available as a MIDI command command for use in lyric sheets, much like Start and Stop has both global and MIDI tag? E.g. [midi@end: ...]

    Yeah, that is indeed something coming in version 4.

      peter Brilliant! Thanks Peter!

      BTW, I just noticed a minor typo on that https://stagetraxx.com/user-guide/midi/#send-midi doc page.

      Bullet Point 3. under the example box it says "You can also define midi commands to be sent for all songs when pressing play in the playback settings."

      I suspect that should be "You can also define midi commands to be sent for all songs when pressing stop in the playback settings."

      Playback settings has global commands for Load, Play, Stop and Playback End.

      9 days later

      Can we setup more than one MIDI command to be sent on LOAD and/or END. So that I can reset a few things on different MIDI channels with one burst of MIDI?

      It seems like the learn function erases the current command if trying to add second command.

      Yes, you can concatenate multiple commands with ",". But you need to enter them manually. The learn function will exit after it receives the first command.

      Example: CC1.0@1,PC2@2