garairobert Hello! I am new here. When I host the session on my iPad, my iPhone is loosing the connection all the time almost immediatelly. What am I doing wrong? Thank you
Lishy garairobert going to guess and say are you connected via Bluetooth? If so connect via a router and it’s LAN as Bluetooth is no longer a reliable connection for hosting a session.
Lishy garairobert you just need to get a router and connect your devices to it. It will then prioritise this connection over Bluetooth. It doesn’t need a wifi connection.
garairobert Lishy how do you mean, it doesn’t need a wifi connection? How else? As I understand, all devices should be connected to the same wifi network
peter See here why that is necessary:
Lishy garairobert because you all connect to it via its Local Area Network (LAN) so it does not require an internet Connection.
davedroug i had the same problem on a few gigs ;so bought a small netgear router connected all my ipads phone etc ,its never happened since ,problem solved