Hi Damir, thanks for your suggestion about airdrop. Yesterday I did buy the new iPad and the store personnel helped me get all the songs (600 of them) transferred. Only thing, by the time I got up the next morning (today in the US), there were only about 10 songs left. The other song titles were listed, but they were identified with a red MISSING… and they are indeed missing.
The old computer was wiped at the Apple Store for trade-in… and I have spoken to Apple Support who have tried, but they way the songs don’t ever enter into the cloud if they are not Apple songs (sheesh!).
The titles remain, the lyrics are there, and where I’ve altered keys and tempos, as well as the sound through equalization.
I took a thumb drive to the store yesterday, and thought we did a backup onto that, but it only has 7 songs on it, which is I so much les than 600 🙂. I have jobs coming up…
I’m wondering if there is another way to repair the missing songs short of going onto the websites where I bought them and remixing them, etc. I can’t even imaging how to then get them back into Stage Trax where the lyrics live at this time.
Do you think this would be a good time to upgrade to the latest version of StageTrax?
I really am so upset with this that I can’t imagine the best place to start… that’s why I thought of you? Any suggestions…. Do people ever hire you for consultation?
Down and Out in Texas!! 🙂