I was reading through this thread and initially also liked the idea of using timestamps to define audio regions until I read your point about wanting timestamped lyrics to 'load' slightly ahead of when you are at the respective part of the song so you have sufficient time to glance/read then sing.
That then got me thinking about the 2 main uses I'm seeing people wanting to use Audio Regions for and why some feature requests might not 'work' as they don't align with the original intended purpose of audio regions.
So I've seen people's desire to use Audio Regions effectively come down to these two reasons:
- Define parts of the song so that during song playback you can skip to a section, repeat a section, etc.
- Define parts of the song so that you have a simple visual cue at the top of the page as to where, during playback, you currently are in the song structure. You're in the zone and playing and have a 'oh crap, are we at the 2nd chorus going intoa Bridge or 3rd Chorus going into a double then outro?" type moment. Quick glance and you know where you are in the song.
My usage would definitely be Point 2. Someone like @Damir is Point 1. I'm sure there are people in both camps, or would even use the feature for both purposes.
Having already gone through the effort to timestamp lyric sheets, I'm not sure I would have the willpower to go back and then start defining audio regions for each song. I don't use Logic Pro (Windows user here, so I can't) so can't have my Markers exported with my stems for import into ST3.
Given I don't need precise timing for audio continuity, maybe there could be an option (or a different named feature that looks similar) that does use timestamped lines in the lyric sheet to define 'song regions' (thought I'd use a different name to see how it fits) that work as visual cues, but aren't going to be beat perfect for audio region jumping/looping?
Maybe you could actually have things like "Intro" and "Verse" in your lyric sheet, but they have a tag so they are hidden (but don't have to be? Maybe some people like seeing those section headers on their lyric sheets? I know I do.) and if they are timestamped, then they appear as 'Song region markers'?
Just spit-balling ways to make a feature, that actually 2 different functions with slightly differing requirements but also overlapping requirements, possibly work for everyone.