I have searched but can't find this answer. I created a new play list. Within the playlist I click the + which brings up the song list. I enter the filters I want to search by and hit done and all those songs are shown. Is there a way to select all of these at once instead of tapping on each song which adds the checkmark next to it?
Select All filtered songs in the Song List
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Dom Is there a way to select all of these at once instead of tapping on each song which adds the checkmark next to it?
Unfortunately NO you can’t do that.
I believe ST4 will have better consistency I hope.
Other similar issues are , you select a playlist hit Edit select a number of songs , now you should be able to simply drag them to a specific spot in the playlist and the new songs should place themselves in to that spot in the order you chose them or at least in alphabetical order so we can quickly create a playlist order.
You problem is very similar you simply want to add multiple songs in to a playlist from SONG mode , yes the filter is NICE but then there is no consistency in the app you don’t get EDIT so you can get SELECT ALL and simply add the songs to the playlist to the top or bottom of list and hopefully an option to load them to the now selected to play song , which would give you a faster way of operating.
I believe there needs to be a total consistency between all windows of operation so we can simply operate in the same flexible way without confusion to what does what and where.
Sorry for the long winded answer to say NO, but things have to be said if things are to improve this already fantastic app.
Because there is no edit mode in the "Add Songs" dialog. You are not supposed to edit songs in that dialog.
Thanks Peter, I was a bit confused as I was looking for a button with the words "select all" and a button that said "add to playlist". I now see that the select all is the circle with a checkmark in it at the bottom once you enter edit mode and the add to playlist is the folder icon. I guess I need to review what the icons all stand for.
See here for an explanation of the icons: https://stagetraxx.com/user-guide/songs/#edit-mode
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peter Because there is no edit mode in the "Add Songs" dialog. You are not supposed to edit songs in that dialog.
No one expects to edit from that dialog but we do expect to have the same selection capability of select all just like in playlist and song mode as it’s a very important function and it’s not there if you go hunting for songs to add to your playlist. If you leave playlist mode and go to song mode that same screen does have select all capability but if you enter this same song screen from the playlist + mode it does not have this capability, so then the interface appears to have more different screens which complicates it unnecessarily , perhaps include the same edit button and the select all function only in this case so it feels consistent and allows us to add songs more efficiently when doing it from a playlist we are working in, that way it’s less confusing and much more convenient and logical to use.
I find using song mode, edit, add songs to playlists /queue mode functions confusing as I don’t use queue mode why is that function button displayed as an option as I have turned queue mode off in settings , I can never work out which button to press when selecting a destination , for that reason I always create or enter a playlist mode first then I use the + add to playlist which saves me time not to have to enter where my destination is but it also screws me cause I don’t get the select all function.
Suggestion is to make queue button disappear in song mode when queue is deselected in settings , and add the edit button in playlist + mode with the select all function only to be there and any other function that might be relevant in that mode.