Lishy not sure why you have mentioned loops and autoscrolling as they have no relevance to the original post. You can do all those things with a footswitch. You can also skip to the next song, just not whilst the current one is playing.
I only used the backing tracks as an example but I wouldn’t want to skip to the next song of a lyrics only song whilst it’s playing either.
Yes they do have relevance , because you can use a normal song with a backing track that has audio segments to easily manoeuvre through the lyrics by using you foot controller by NOT playing a song , simply select a song and manoeuvre through the loops to get to your verse, choruses, you don't need to play the audio because you are simply using the text only.
My point is , you also have lyrics only songs , so this is where the difference should be in the two song modes, you should be able to simply load your text in to the editor , choose any lyrics only song hit a button on your foot and have a smooth scroll through that song text without any other involvement , except the scroll speed adjustment on the screen to choose your speed .
At the moment i don't believe this can happen.
So why have the two SONG MODES?
There are midi foot controllers out there now that can program each audio segment to be instantly available on a switch, the foot switches are becoming very powerful but the software needs to be adjusted for all those features to work.