In your example, where you use CC0, does that call up FM9 preset 449? It should because FM9 uses CC0 to tell it the bank number. So, bank 3, number 65=preset 449.
From there, just use whatever CC you assign to scene change to make your scene changes automatically while ST3 plays. I use CC34 because it's what Fractal had previously designated for scene changes in older products. If you type that exact MIDI command plus add CC34.1@1 (put a comma before the command, and separate any additional commands with a comma also) at the time you want the FM9 to change scenes, it should work. You do need to tell the FM9 what CC# you want to use for scene changes. In the FM9 editor, go to the SETUP menu, then MIDI/Remote, then the "other" tab, then scroll down until you see a box for entering the scene change CC#. Put in whatever number you want, but a lot of people, like me, use 34.
I didn't watch the YT video yet, but my guess is that it's Scott Uhl's. If so, I learned all this stuff from him (and a couple people here and on the Fractal Forum), too.
Let me know if you're still stuck. Btw, I am also using a WIDI jack to do this wirelessly via bluetooth from my iPad. Mind. Blown.!!