craigh Hi Craig, You are supposed to do all that before you place your files in to ST3, as it’s a live performance tool not an editor.
We don’t want to over complicate ST3 .
I would rather have a much simpler system to import/export between LOGIC PRO AND ST3 to speed up the creation and loading of finished or re edited files.
Imagine just one button on ST3 called EDIT IN DAW, you choose your daw once in settings , and from now on all you do is hit that button and the daw opens up the ST3 file for you to edit , once you are done you hit SAVE TO ST3 on the DAW and it’s all done , I KNOW IT SEEMS LIKE A DREAM WISH BUT SO WAS ST3 a few years back. Everything's possible!
And to go one step further the lyrics/chords should go in to LOGIC PRO automatically and LOGIC should provide us with a SIMPLE and POWERFUL tool to edit these very important things instead of giving us so many wanking tools most of us don’t use in its arsenal, it’s time LOGIC PRO OPENS ITS EYES TO WHAT PEOPLE REALLY NEED AND WANT. STEM CELL SPLITTER IS ONE GOOD EXAMPLE of an improvement.