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  • i-Pad controlling host that plays multitrack audio?

Hi, fairly new to ST3, so hopefully a not so stupid question...
Is it possible to start a network session on a host (MacOs or iOS?) that is connected to a multtrack audio device, and choose songs, start/stop songs, etc from a slave device like a i-Pad?
So the singer who chooses the songs to play has no i-PAD with a USB device connected for audio play of backing tracks?

Hope my qustion is clear.
Thanks in advance for your replies,

    FrankS nope! Hopefully st4 will be able to do this.

    No, the slave devices can not control the host.

    2 months later

    Would it be possible the other way around? Making the IPad the host to control the Mac, like a remote?

      Isn't this already the way it is working?

      Reggie yes but the audio has to come from the host, iPad.

      Ok, I was thinking of something more like Logic Remote, where you can drive your laptop playing the sounds, wirelessly from your Ipad.. maybe that's what the OP was talking about.