rcprog What I'm currently doing is I setup my playlist with 3 waltzes then 3 polkas and so on and on the 3rd song I enable AUTOPLAY, but while I'm playing live I have to remember to press on my AIRTURN PEDAL during the 3rd song that's sends a midi command to load the Interlude as the NEXT song.
I was hoping to have a midi command in the lyrics of the 3rd song that accomplishes this for me automatically.
I am sort of getting the picture, so you use 1 playlist with all your songs , 3 waltzes then 3 polkas etc but after the last waltz or polka you need to autoplay an interlude, is this always the case or is the reason you are using manual midi because you need to be able to not have an inerlude on occasions so you don't want it fully programed?
Because if its regular, then all you do is load the interlude after every 3rd song and place an auto play command permanently on the last song of every gender.
To do this , while you are in stop mode select the third waltz or polka in your playlist and finger slide to left side on the song, this brings up the auto play option ,select it , now this will always be remembered so the first two songs will not autoplay but after the third one in each gender will auto play your interlude, this will be remembered until you disengage it.
This requires no midi control, and will work for all your genders of music on the third song as long as you program it correctly.
There are 3 auto play modes
1 the whole playlist can be put in to autoplay
2 you press the auto play button to engage or disengage autoplay , this is not remembered by st3
3 in stop mode slide to left on a song to permanently place this song in autoplay, this is remembered by ST3.
This 3rd method is not well known by users but is very handy when requiring a particular method of performance.
I hope i understood your exact need.