I am trying to run lyrics for my band in ST3 and use a PC to begin the new song scrolling. I go to each song and teach it a new PC. When that song starts in my daw, however, the song that is highlighted in blue always plays regardless of the command sent to ST3. I am only minimally conversant in midi and suspect I am missing something obvious. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Start lyrics with midi
NashvilleSteve if I’m following you correctly it sounds like you need that PC message to change to that particular song too? If so, you need to add a song select command in song details.
Also how are you setting a new PC on each song to start song scrolling? Not sure this is even possible as it’s a global setting.
How exactly have you setup your midi messages? What message is doing what?
From my perspective you need PC messages to select a song and messages to start playback. And they need to arrive in the correct order. If you first start playback and then send the PC to switch to a song, that will be ignored as playback is already running. You need to select a song before playback starts and then send the command to start playback.
peter not to get too granular but here is my process: I have my laptop running Logic and linked to my iPad running MT 3. I go to the “song select command” for a song and select “learn.” I then enter a PC in logic at the start of that song in Logic. I have done this with a few songs and have used different PCs for each. Then, when playing that song in Logic, it starts whichever song is highlighted in blue in ST3 regardless of which song I play in Logic. The PC seems to trigger a global command to start the selected song. What I am trying to do is imbed a midi command at the beginning of each song that will call up the lyrics for that song and start playing them. I have imbedded the time codes on the lines of lyrics so they scroll flawlessly but I am having trouble understanding how to call up a specific song. Clearly, my understanding of midi is rudimentary.
Thank you.
peter I’m not v ry knowledgeable bout midi but have a midi strip in Logic that sends a PC when the song launches. I have tried to teach each song ST3 to respond to a different PC. But, regardless of which song I launch I’m Logic, the highlighted song In ST3 starts and those lyrics scroll. Thanks for any thoughts on the matter
NashvilleSteve sounds like it should work but can you show what the midi messages look like for both song select and starting playback within midi assigns in settings?
What commands have you assigned in Settings > Assign Actions? Because the PC command in song details will never start playback. It will just load that song. But that does only work if playback is not running.
So make sure Logic does not send a command to start playback before the song that you want is loaded.