Matt07ie firstly make sure you have plenty of storage space on your device, get rid of all unnecessary stuff then go and empty your BIN.
Now that you have plenty of space go to ST3 settings and create a full backup, name it and when it is saved make sure you don’t leave this full backup in the ST3 folder as it will be erased there if you reinstall ST3 for any reason.
What I did was I created inside the FILES folder a folder called ST3 Full Backups , you then move or copy the full backup from ST3 folder to this new folder , get rid of any other full backups as they will quickly use up your disk space.
Now you have a full Backup that is not in ST3 folder.
You can copy this full backup to any other devices and create multiple ST3 carbon copies on other devices.
As you add new songs to your ST3 just create another full backup and get rid of the old one to save space this is how I name my backups
ST3 Full Backup 15102024
Day month year.
ST3 Data Backup 15102024
I do both backups at the same time and update all my backups every so often , but I always update my main device first only which is my performance device , then I fully test it to make sure it’s all working before I do all my other 4 devices that way if things go pair shape I can always use the old version devices to get back if needed.
Check the size of your backed up file should always be slightly larger than the old backup, if not, the full backup did not work, try again, always make sure you have plenty disk space and keep emptying the BIN.
Good luck