Thanks Peter
I’ve already explained why this doesn’t work for me.
I have a set list with 230 songs in, it’s color coded, it has 30 interval tunes in the beginning, then 40 slow buble rod Stewart etc stuff then irish, then 80s pop, then reggae, then soul, then a mish mash. Now in normal queue mode, I can create a queue from the 80s section, but in advance mode I have to load the list from the interval. So that means I have to constantly scroll past all the stuff I don’t want to get to the 80s section.
I don’t mean to be awkward but I think a third mode would be great. A mode where you can load a set list from a specific point in to normal queue mode, then when someone’s suggests a song that’s not in the queue, you have the option to add it, or even better imho, you load a list of songs to the queue and then have the option to add the full contents of another playlist to your queue and then….have the option to save this queue as a playlist.
I’m sorry Peter, everyone wants to add jelly and custard and sprinkles to your work, it must be really annoying and I’m not winding you up. I hope you know that.