peter Yes, i understand that. Would it, without too much programming, be possible to select a region and select that one to loop? I often loop when playing solos. In a song, blues for instance, if I have two solos, I normally loop the last one. I then sometimes walk amongst the audience while it loops. Instead of having to wait for the first solo to finish, and then toggle loop on, it would be nice to loop the preselected region.

Just activate the loop switch in the audio region editor on the second part of the solo. It will then loop by default.

    peter Thing is, I don't loop all the time, so preactivating a region is not a valid option for me. I would prefer to do it on the fly for multiple reasons. Maybe it could be on the wish list for future upgrades, if possiblešŸ™šŸ». Thanks for your reply.

      royandreno I would prefer to do it on the fly for multiple reasons

      But you are not doing it on the fly , you said you move to another section and then you want that section to also loop , thatā€™s pre programming for it to happen later thatā€™s not on the fly, why canā€™t you select the next loop wait till your on it then just loop it on the fly as you said you want to do or as Peter suggested if itā€™s something you most likely do just program a permanent loop on that solo and if you donā€™t want to loop it on occasions just disable loop on the fly.
      That gives you on the fly options , what you are wanting is pre programming of whatā€™s just to occur which seems very stressful in my opinion.

        Damir In some instances it is better to prepare a loop, either for a solo as mentioned, or in the case of a chorus where the audience will sing along. In the first case, if you have to solo a verse and a chorus, and then carry on after, sometimes it does not come natural to jump to chorus from a previous chorus etc. And I don't want to preprogram loops because many times I might not be inspired, it's the wrong crowd, or whatever the reason might be that I decide NOT to loop. For instance, if the next region that comes up is the one you want to loop, why can't I trigger that loop when selected, then I avoid two pedal pushes at the same time, one for looping and one for overdrive on my guitar pedalboard when the loop region arrives. There are many occasions where I have wanted this preselect loop option, I just don't want to preprogram it into my song because it will not be used on every gig. It let's me focus on my playing, preparing a walk amongst the audience maybe, not having to wait for the region is less stress in some cases. I don't understand why selecting an audio region ahead, or a previous region for that matter, and trigger that to loop should be such an illogical thing. To me, it is very logical and preferred. And to me less stress than having to wait to be in the current region that I intend to loop.

        Let me give you an example. The second majestic solo of Comfortable Numb. The first 2/3 of that solo is a scripted signature melodic masterpiece by David Gilmour. But the last part of it is, in many of his live shows, an improvised or varied continuation. So I have split this solo into two regions, the first is the scripted part, and then a second region which I can loop. Now I have to stay put on stage until the second solo region is the one currently playing before I can move away. Instead, I would much prefer to trigger the second solo part early by selecting that region to loop, then I can take the whole solo down to, or amongst, the audience if I so choose.

        And btw, the programming code is already there I guess, because if you double click or tap a region anywhere, it will be selected as a loop. It's just that it would be nice to have that same possibility as an assignable pedal option.

          royandreno sorry Roy perhaps i misunderstood your request, at the moment as the loop is playing you can choose the next loop of choice by using your finger on the screen and if you tap that same loop twice the permanent loop is enabled as well on that loop, so now you can walk away knowing the next loop will play and stay in the permanent loop.Is this what you are saying you want to be available on the foot pedal as well?

          Ok , i see what you are possibly asking for, the logic on foot pedal should follow, whatever loop you select with foot pedal should allow you to enable or disable the permanent loop function while you are on this selected loop, and should follow your movement through all audio sections so you can manoeuvre around the song and change the permanent loop status on any audio segment.
          Yes i see the advantage as you have this already if using the finger on the screen but you don't if you use foot pedal.
          Am i barking up the wright tree?

            peter Just activate the loop switch in the audio region editor on the second part of the solo. It will then loop by default.

            Yes thats a great option for some users, but what Roy is asking for is the ability to program your loop needs on the fly with a foot pedal.
            At the moment you can do this by finger on screen, but you cant get the same freedom using the foot pedals, the suggestion is to make the foot pedal operation give you the same freedom as the finger operation, as you search or pass through audio regions the permanent loop switch controls that Audio region you have selected giving you the ability to go to a specific audio region and disable an already pre programmed loop or perhaps enable a permanent loop and keep on moving through the song regions.
            At the moment no matter what region you are on , the loop switch just controls the now playing Audio region loop on/off, this is limiting his spontaneity when using foot pedals.
            I suppose this makes good sense , what you select is what you control, but i see an issue, if you are on the now playing audio region that has permanent loop enabled and you go searching for next audio loop and you choose to permanent loop that audio region , you need to be able to get back the control of the now playing audio region loop function so you can get off it to move on to the new audio region, how to achieve this simply is a good question.
            You have a move button and a loop button you really need another button to get back quickly to the now playing audio region so you can control it .
            Any ideas anyone?

            OK, so an additional command to toggle the selected region loop would work?

              peter Yes indeed, and if none is selected, by default, your current audio region is the one that loopsšŸ™šŸ»

              OK, I will check if this is easy to do and would fit into a maintenance update.

                OK, it is only a small change without much possibility to break something else. I will add it in the next update.