Hi Peter

The issues I had with an old pad telling me my device was full when I was actually saving to the cloud have appeared on my new model 10 pad. I’d like to wipe both pads and start again, so if I share my 2 playlists as sttpl and save them to cloud, and do a database only backup, can I do a factory restore on the pads without losing my act?

One show is 80 songs and is 3.5 gig
The other show is 220 songs 5.5gig.

I’ve noticed there are lots of songs on the pad available as st3 songs that I’d like to delete, and I presume these slow the full database back ups down.

I have 50 gig of free space on cloud, and wonder does the constant attempts to back up which are declined confuse apple ?

Any advice appreciated



stpl files only contain a list of songs in a playlist. You need to have the songs already in ST3 to load that file. For that I really recommend a full backup. Create a full backup locally, don't use iCloud for files this size. Airdrop the backup file to the destination, then restore it.

Hi Peter

The reason I wanted to do it that way was because I wanted to be rid of all the songs I’ll never use that are included in the database back ups. I saw the size of the seperate playlist files 5gig and 3.5 gig etc and thought this was my solution. They are pretty big files for just playlist entries. How would you suggest I rid myself of the unwanted songs?

I’m a bit lost as to how to proceed, st3 tells me the device is full but I’m trying to save to the cloud

OK, in that case export the playlists you want to keep including audio files. Then you don't need a database only backup. Just import the file.


    Thanks so much, I’ll try that.

    Don’t you think it’s strange though, telling me there’s no space when there obviously is ?


    As I wrote before, this message does not look at the space available in iCloud, but locally on your device as each file created within ST3 first needs to be completely written to local storage and once that file is complete, it will be moved to the destination.


      Hi Peter

      But that’s the part I don’t understand, there’s 20 gig of space free on the iPad but it’s suggesting it’s full. I’m not sure what the 8gig thing I’ve circled in yellow is ?

      But regardless, I’ve deleted everything and managed to re install and retrieve my data.

      So Many thanks once again.

      Issue resolved.

      Cheers .

      This is the bit I don’t understand Peter.

      Is the space circled in yellow the available space ?.

      I’ve deleted everything and installed from iTunes. File sharing



      I can’t delete the penultimate post

      Hm, don't know. ST3 asks iOS for the number of bytes available in storage. And if the songs you selected are larger than what is available, you will see this message.

      I have had same issue, where data space available numbers look good but I still get not enough space,
      I deleted all rubbish bin data content I then rebooted the iPad I called apple to point this out we eventually got it working but I can’t recall what the actual problem was , but I think it’s the operating system being fooled somehow and not giving the correct space available , perhaps it calculates free space yet not considering the bin has not actually been emptied or something similar , I am running latest software and I don’t seem to have this issue anymore.