• Support
  • New bug that wasn't there before found?

When a song with auto crossfade changes to a song without crossfade the manual crossfade button is grayed out throughout the duration of the song. Only way to get it back is to back out of the playlist (while playing) and get back in. This behavior is100% reproducible.

Can anyone test this and let me know if it is me only or generalized?

Thank you.

I can confirm this bug. The crossfade button should only be inactive while the crossfade is in progress. I will fix that in the next update.

5 days later

Thank you!!! It just started one day. All my party setlist are a mix of auto crossfade and manual crossfade so it is definite issue for my type of usage.

Anyway, thank you Peter for your answer and looking forward to see this working as it used to in the next update!


peter updated and tested!

Works great!

Cannot comment enough on how good you are supporting your product!

Thank you again!