I have watched several videos on audio regions one thing I’d like to do is to predictably go to a region and have it return to the place it was in the song …..I can think of a round about way to do this however I’d like to know the “best” way to achieve this…..thank you

Also I’d like to b able to set up a list of the order to play the regions ahead of time in a song
For example

Start song
Chorus 1
Chorus 1
Return to song position
Solo region
Solo region
Return to song position

In effect you are programming your regions, I would think, being a software developer myself, this is a relatively simple feature to add and for me, would be a game changer

    As a new region is only activated when playback reaches a region border, it is really easy to jump back to the position you where as it is always the start of a region. So just select the region that would have played before you chose to jump to another region.

    mrculp I don’t see a benefit to this logic while performing live, the idea of regions on the device is to be able to manipulate them on the run , this then gives you great freedom, by pre programming the order is like double handling the pre production process, then still being fixed to a programmed order, this has no benefit at all.
    Perhaps I am missing something, can you explain your exact need or method of operation.

    Yes I can
    I do a song that I start with a 4 bar section…..toward the end of the song I want finish he song with that same section…..why record it again? Why not just reference the section you already named and worked so hard to make a nice loop from …very easy linked list to program in the app…..i don’t see the feature having to be mutually exclusive….do you?

      mrculp I do a song that I start with a 4 bar section…..toward the end of the song I want finish he song with that same section…..why record it again? Why not just reference the section you already named and worked so hard to make a nice loop from …very easy linked list to program in the app….

      So my point is, if you want this order to perform with why not edit it in the Daw in the prep stage of creating a backing track, creating audio loops in ST3 is very easy and fast, ST3 is not an editor it is purely a very powerful player, i have on some songs two ending choices at the end i just choose the ending i want and if its the last loop i dont need to hit stop, if its the previous ending i just hit stop on my foot pedal, its easy and very flexible, in your case when i want to finish with the intro of four bars i just select the intro loop and when its finished i hit stop.
      The idea of loop sections is to give us freedom to jump around a pre programmed song not to fix us to a preset order, the pre set order has already been done in the pre production process at home, we dont want to be creating this fixed order while we are on the actual gig.
      So i dont see a benefit of your suggestion , which is a great idea if ST3 was to be used for creating a backing track as well, but its not, its purely a player only.

      I’m sorry you don’t see the benefit of my opinion, however, I think it extremely powerful to be able to programmatically move around the preprogrammed or predefined audio regions…in fact you could change it with each show to make it a little different each time ……..maybe like you do with lyrics? You have the facility to preprogram the lyrics down to the second ….hmm why not be able to do the same with audio regions…..seems like the reason you have that facility….not sure you get judge my “idea” or how I’d like to use it when I suggest it….just because you don’t see the benefit doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t see the benefit behind their own ideas….i happen to think creating a loop section in st would be 10x faster than using he daw to do it and re-export the tracks and that workflow in st is a timesaver…..just my opinion….

      Besides that having the facility to do both, having the audio region script and selecting audio regions on the fly gives you the best of both worlds…….why limit creativity……..

        mrculp I don’t disagree with your idea, ideally I want to do everything in ST , but the reality is it’s only a good player, technically it would complicate it even more to achieve something a daw does well.

        a month later

        btw....a DAW doesn't fill this need in a "live performance" mode, the whole idea behind creating the loops in the first place in ST was for performance flexibility, what would you have me do, place the show on hold while I re-mix and render a new mp3?

        The whole point, which seems to be lost on everyone that reads this, is that I'm not trying to re-record anything, I'm simply using the functionality already provided by ST to "create" loops and name them, all I'm trying to do is during the performance of the show, be able arrange the named loops in possibly a different order during the show, and even while I'm playing the song.....I don't know how a DAW (which in my world is on a completely different system and device than my performance ipad ) everything I have discussed has been about "performance mode" features, not recorded or even changing my recorded versions of the songs list a simple linked-list to perform the loops you already did the hard part of the loop creation part of stage traxx, I've been in IT for over 45 years, developed thousands of pieces of software, this is not a difficult feature to code or implement, In fact I could teach you very simply.....design and implementing this would be a few days at the most .....if the issue is you just dont want to, thats a different story, tell me that instead of saying "do it in a DAW" which is a ridiculous comment for "performance mode" feature.....I hope you understand a little clearer what exactly I'm asking...if you dont understand how to do it, fine, but dont insult me by telling me "go do this thing in a DAW" which clearly cannot be dont in a performance mode

          mrculp i totally understand your frustration , i have been pushing for integration of loop creation and the text editor for ages as the two should compliment each other to save time, but its all up to Peter who has done us a great service so far to provide us with what we have , perhaps in a few more years we might get it all.
          I think Peter has broken the ice we need to wait a bit longer to get a perfect backing player for on stage use for solo or band musicians that want to improve their performances.

          Agreed….my comments were mainly about the feature and not about complaining about doing it in a DAW, as opposed to existing functionality…..I’m happy to wait for the feature but it may not be everyone’s cup of tea…..and Peter may not want to include the feature…..however I’m willing to pay for the feature to be implemented……maybe that will help ….i think this feature is pretty important…peter if you wish to get serious about it contact me at Mike.culp@gmail.com…happy to pay the costs

            mrculp I remember pushing for loops years ago and having a hard time to explain how and why but here it is today , so everything is possible if someone puts their mind to it , Peter is a musician so he understands the potential, we don’t have enough of Peters in the world and that’s a big problem 😂

            Well yes indeed Peter seems to be doing great things with this….!!!!!

            4 days later

            I agree with mrculp,

            Sometimes you need to leave stage and roam.
            Automation like that would be great. I have had this "problem" a few times.