I want to edit audio region and if I understand correctly I can only do so if I generate a waveform for the track. How do I generate waveform? The waveform that has been created is not the one I want to edit..
Generte waveform
No, the waveform in the audio region editor is generated automatically. If you want to see the waveform of another track, just select the track you want to see in the audio region editor: https://stagetraxx.com/user-guide/audio-regions/#audio-region-editor
I am using multitracks, yes. There are certain parts of one track that I want to delete but I am unable to edit this. The track I can edit is automatically chosen by stagetraxx but not the one I want to edit. the one I want to edit can not be chosen.
Read the link I posted. It explains how to select the track.