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  • Control Your FX with Control Changes

I’ve seen a couple of videos on YouTube talk about this But none of them addressed my specific scenario, so I thought I would share that here.

Using ST3, I wanted to use the midi commands (CC only) to turn on specific effects at specific times in different guitar pedals. Namely, the RC 600 and the VE 500

I saw Scott Uhl do a video like this, but, He used the “learn” feature And he only moved from one program changed to another. In his video, he never turned on a single effect and then turned it off. He just moved from one preset to another, which is fine, But that’s not what I wanted to do.

And I could not find anything that would help me do this. It’s not in the ST3 manual because it’s more about the way the pedals receive commands not how ST3 sends them.

I have been successful at getting these FX to turn on, but using ST3 to turn them off has been a challenge.


Assign 1
In order to turn on a single effect in my pedal, I needed to use an assign But this can only be used to turn it on. Minimum and maximum value must both say “on.”
Make sure this is a momentary, not a latch.

Example: [midi@00:10:00: CC1.127@1]
This will Send a command to my Roland RC 500 on channel one to Control #1 Which is set to momentary on. It’s important to know that the highs in the lows or the maximum and minimum are both turned you on there is no off.

Assign 2
This assign is mapped to cc#2 And the Maximum value is off and the minimum value is off. The switch is not a latch, but it is also on momentary.

So now a few seconds later, I can turn off that effect using this command.
[midi@00:15:00: cc2.0@1]

And now anything mapped to cc2 Will be turned off

During one of my guitar solos, I wanted to change a parameter on my VE 500 and my RC 600 And both of these pedals were set up with Assigns that are odd numbers to turn effects on, And then assigns that are even numbers turn effects off.

Control change numbers that are odd send on signals, And even Control changes, turn them off.

Assign 1 = CC1 = momentary ON
Assign 2 = CC2 = momentary OFF

I’m not sure if I’m doing this right but it’s working really well. The downside is I’m using up a lot of my assigns, but I cannot get midi to turn off a latch switch after I’ve turned it on and this is the only way I can figure it out: is to use the momentary option.

    ADAM_ n order to turn on a single effect in my pedal, I needed to use an assign

    What do you mean you needed to use an assign?