royandreno There should be a big, red warning against turning iCloud sync on. I honestly can't believe anybody gigging professionally trust the sync operation to work correctly.
The LOGIC of how it works just needs to change , ICloud should never be the master of all of your devices because it is not local to the user and owned by the user it should be just a way to pass data through it as an option to other of your devices to sync them all up to one of your devices of choice , iCloud should only obey that master device fully , the master device only has the power to fully change things in iCloud not the other way around , all other slave devices can update same songs and add new songs to the master through iCloud but nothing else can happen on the master unless the owner changes things.
This way it’s simple to understand who is paying and who is drinking, the master unit should have automated full backup updating as you work so you don’t need manual backup as you always have it and you can go to that external folder anytime to manually copy this file to other devices , if you copy this and use it on another device as long as that device is a slave it won’t cause any permanent problem because once that device is synced up via iCloud it will be forced to update to the master , if you delete all songs on this slave it will be returned to exact setup of the master , if you don’t delete all your songs on the slave it will merge all data on this slave to the master then it’s up to you to get rid of any unwanted songs on the master which will tidy up all slave devices but IT WILL NEVER LOOSE ANY SONGS BECAUSE ICLOD IS NOTHING BUT A CONDUIT TO TRANSFER DATA , if you turn it off or on it won’t matter as it’s always just doing what the MASTER is telling it and all slaves OBAY the master.
As long as you treat your master device nicely everything else is simple to operate and easy to understand. You can only have one master to change masters you need to turn OFF all iCloud devices and then choose a master, once this is done you have nothing to worry about except looking after your MASTER DEVICE which I would make my performance device as this is the unit that matters most , all other devices become my god help me backups incase the master shits itself or gets stolen.
Sorry for the long winded comment but people need to help with ideas otherwise things won’t improve and Peter has got enough on his plate, perhaps this might trigger some better ideas.
But I agree turning ICLOUD on is a very dangerous thing to do if you don't understand its way of operation.
Cleaning iCloud itself is hard to do to start from scratch if you get it wrong you could be in deep shit.
Cheers Damir
After all this , I had another thought, as apple keeps introducing new things like FOCUS and other weird things that are hard to understand of how to turn them on or off, what about a simple Nice BIG button in the top of settings to choose GIG MODE ON, this becomes a very simple way of setting up ST3 for perfect experience on stage, example
in this mode ICLOUD is immediately disabled , all external sounds disabled so you will never get a DING! notification in a middle of a performance , airoplane mode is turned on for you , and anything else you can think of so your batteries last longer and so ST3 becomes perfectly streamlined for a live performance, when you get home you simply turn this off and all is back to normal with one touch of a button, just an idea 🙂 !