• Support
  • how to write program change message?

I have suddenly encountered an issue with sending Lyrics embedded midi PC commands to my Roland GT-1000CORE via WIDI Jack. The WIDI Jack appears to receive the data (i.e., flashing blue light sporadically, as an audio indication would) but no longer changes the patch. The syntax I previously used that was working fine to do this did not require the channel number or placing the “00:00:00” timestamp in any other order other than after “@“. For example:
[midi: PC001.1@00:00:00] would have the patch change when the song was selected. Now, using this or the currently recommended syntax that requires the midi channel number before the closing bracket does nothing in terms of PC on the CORE. Also, I am still entering [midi: SS@play] to trigger the song start/stop via Roland’s FS1-WL, without the song number, which I’m not even sure how this “song order” is propogated on the iPad??? This command works fine. Any advice is welcome. The correct syntax - fully illustrated - would also be appreciated, as this is negatively impacting the continuity of my weekend ‘live’ acoustic solo performances. Mahalo. 🎩 😎 🤙

What you write is completely wrong on many levels.

The timestamp must follow immediately after the midi tag: [midi@00:00.00: PC1.1@1]

Same for the play identifier: [midi@play: SS1]

The timestamp has only one : in it. Milliseconds are divided by a .: 00:00.00

Song select commands need a song number: SS1

Program changes should omit leading zeros and always need to have a channel after the @: PC1.1@1

Take a good look at the examples here: https://stagetraxx.com/user-guide/midi/#send-midi

    7 days later

    If ANYONE on this forum knows the current, correct - and complete - midi syntax for PC commands to be received by a Roland/BOSS GT-1000CORE effects pedal at the song’s selection (i.e., @00:00:00🙂 could you PLEASE post it in reply to this request? I had previously embedded the following syntax as the very first line in the lyrics, which worked via the WIDI Jack for months on end and, then, suddenly this no longer changes the patches when the song is selected: [midi: PC001.1@00:00:00] This would change the patch to PC002.1 on the CORE when the song was selected in either SONGS or PLAYLIST mode, consistent with Roland’s preset numbering (u001-u250 = Bank #1, p001-p250= Bank #2) So, I re-read the online manual section on MIDI again, only to discover changes that had been made to the syntax, now, apparently requiring the midi channel as the final character before the closing bracket. Why it worked so well for so long without this, I have no explanation for, and the same for why it suddenly no longer works. Lastly, contrary to the syntax now shown in the online user manual and YouTube tutorials, I am still inserting the original command [midi: SS@play] as the 2nd line on the lyrics page to have the song in “ready to scroll” mode when selected. This is, at least, for the moment, executing the desired action without any necessary change to the syntax. I appreciate all input, but, so far, referring to the online user manual and/or the YouTube tutorials has not produced the results of returning this basic midi control back to Stage Traxx3 (full version, latest update) installed on 9th Generation, updated iPad. I remain hopeful and grateful for your assistance. Mahalo. 🎩😎🙏🤙


    peter Peter - thanks for your reply. I believe I have followed your instructions correctly and still see no program change on the effects unit. I’ll revisit this carefully and update you if/when progress is made. If I am still having the issue, then it must be another component, perhaps the WIDI Jack causing it. That said, though, If I am incorrectly coding the midi commands - as I have apparently done so from initial program usage, why did this work correctly for so long (since I purchased the full version of Stage Traxx3) and then, the PC command just suddenly stopped working, yet the SS command still functions correctly, without the song number included? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Lastly, if a song is numbered in the program so it can be recognized, is this done manually by the user or somehow by the app or OS? I realize the “0-127” architecture common to digital storage is in place, but I, typically don’t assign a song number and only on my playlists (the order of which is subject to change) does this ever come into play. Please don’t take my earnest desire to get this last challenge in my ‘live’ performance setup corrected as, somehow, demeaning your hard work and continuing efforts to expand and improve the product - which is, all challenges aside, FREAKING AWESOME! 👏👏👏👏👏👏
    Mahalo. 🎩😎🙏🤙

      If it still does not work, please post the lyrics that you use in this thread and post a link to the midi documentation of the Boss Unit. I can cross check your syntax with the documentation.

      Patdahat why did this work correctly for so long (since I purchased the full version of Stage Traxx3) and then, the PC command just suddenly stopped working, yet the SS command still functions correctly, without the song number included?

      I can not tell why it was working for you in some old versions. From my understanding it should never have worked with the syntax you used.

      Patdahat Lastly, if a song is numbered in the program so it can be recognized, is this done manually by the user or somehow by the app or OS?

      You mean you want to select a song in Stage Traxx via MIDI? You can define a midi command in Song Details that will trigger the song selection. Do this via MIDI learn so that the syntax will be correct: https://stagetraxx.com/user-guide/song-editing/#midi

        6 days later

        peter My thanks again, Peter. Unfortunately, I am still unable to trigger PC commands from embedded syntax in Lyrics. I recently updated StageTraxx3 to the most recent version. I tried to utilize midi LEARN, but it waited for a command, which i don’t know how to send from the Roland unit, and the locked up the iPad until I cancelled the LEARN request. I have assigned the 3 (stand alone) Roland FS-1-WL switch functions already using this method and those function as programmed: R-L: song start/stop, next song, and rewind selected song to 00:00.00, so I understand (somewhat) how this works, but no “computer geek” am I. Only a hard working musician trying not to work as hard. 😅 I also tried the syntax shown with the attached lyrics, varying combinations of the Roland User (= Bank 1) Preset numbers. (E.g.: “004.1”, “04.1”, “4.1”, etc. The result is the same each time: the WIDI Jack’s solid be light blinks as though receiving the command, but no change occurs on the Roland GT-1000CORE, which I have set at midi channel 1 to both send and receive.

        Unfortunately, stagetraxx.support.com (opened in the program) is not allowing me to attach (send you) neither the lyrics as saved with the syntax as you have recommended, (text file) nor the CORE’s Midi Implementation info sheet downloaded from the Roland product website. [https://www.boss.info/us/support/by_product/gt-1000core/owners_manuals/] Therefore, I have uploaded both files to my GoogleDrive and given you access to these files at the following links, respectively:



        Please let me know - when you are available to do so - if you require anything more from me, and I await your reply on this matter. Mahalo. 🎩😎🙏🤙

        Thanks again, always. Peter. Apparently, the WIDI Jack was due for a firmware update, which was quick, easy and successful with their wi-fi/Bluetooth app. However, after copy and pasting the latest syntax you’ve kindly provided (and re-reading the user manual section on this courtesy of the link) the PC is still not happening on the CORE. 🤷‍♂️ Again, the blue light on the WIDI Jack “hits” (blinks sporadically) when the data is sent, but no movement on the patch screen, as previously would happen when the song selection was made, via the midi connected Roland FS-1-WL Bluetooth 3 function foot switch. I’m beginning to think I hallucinated that it worked for at least a year with syntax that I would swear was provided in the online manual when I first started working with the full version of StageTraxx3, that you have responded should never have worked. 😵‍💫 My only previous use and knowledge of midi was using sysex to save (data dump) songs stored on my Roland DR-5 (Dr Rhythm) drum machine that finally ceased operating. Regardless, I am still amazed and grateful that you’ve developed what I regard as the “Swiss Army Knife” of ‘live’ performance audio apps, I don’t know of anything else like it and, especially, with all the improvements you continue to harvest and your personal attention to users like myself. Much mahalos! (“Many thanks!”) 🎩😎🙏🤙

        Hm, only thing that you could check is to install a midi monitor and see if the correct midi statements are sent. If that is the case, the fault lies on your Roland device. Maybe it is not setup to receive on channel 1 or program changes are not enabled or something similar.

          Aloha, Peter. I found this info (below) on the Morningstar MIDI foot controller website, which seems similar to what you have confirmed. I may have to enter (assign) the CC #s as indicated on the CORE before re-attempting the syntax you most recently provided. If, in your estimation, this alters the syntax in any way, I look forward to your comments and suggestions. I’ll have more time, (vacation) after a busy weekend of performing, to experiment further with the Lyrics syntax:

          “Some MIDI controllers allow you to send one value (0-127) per single CC#.
          In order to trigger effects and controls in GT-1000/GT-1000CORE, you will have to send two CC#'s using opposite values.
          For example, CC#2 turns on and off (effect)
          In your external device, Set CC#2 to value of 127, then set another CC#2 to value of 0.
          This will act as a momentary MIDI switch which is needed to engage and disengage effects and blocks in the GT-1000CORE and GT-1000.
          Be sure to set your external MIDI device and the GT-1000CORE to the same MIDI channel.”
          Mahalo. 🎩😎🙏🤙

          I'm not familiar with any of these controllers. You will have to experiment yourself with the correct midi commands to send. I can only help by correcting syntax mistakes.

          5 months later

          Aloha, Peter. I am finally, after much pursuit, have the PC issue between the Roland/BOSS GT-1000CORE, the WIDI Jack, and StageTraxx3 resolved. Your syntax, as provided in the online User Manual, works perfectly when: 1. The tiny A-B switch on the back of the WIDI Jack is set to ‘A’, (i.e., blue LED indicator flashes rapidly when paired and send/receive capable) and 2. MIDI Settings on the CORE are as shown in the attached photo.
          ](https://) Now, I only have to imbed the correct PC commands in the existing lyrics. Lastly, the correct PC# to use for the CORE to is -1 of the target patch. (E.g.: PC5 is entered as PC4, etc. Also, I have chosen to make the PC commands at timestamp “00:00.00”, Doing so changes the effects patch upon song selection. Much Mahalos, Peter. This will make my (space very limited) “acoustic guitars / harmonica solo w/ some backing tracks” setup WAY more useable and efficient! 😅