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  • Audio interupted while on stage, HELP!

Hi Peter, i had a great gig last night with two problems , a message poped up on my ipad from above screen and reduced my volume of the ipad output then dissapeared and volume came back up again , i never had this issue before, i know its not ST3 fault it is most likely the operating system setting somwhere, but where? I always use airoplane mode when performing as i dont want surprises and have turned off notifications , i cant figure out what else it could be , every time i update the operating system these new things seem to pop up, any ideas?
I wish that ST3 has capability to automatically set up all necessary settings to piss of all interuptions by operating system settings as i dont want anything to interrupt ST3 once it is operating well perhaps a battery status warning to warn me i am low on power and my power pack is not working or i stupidly forgot to plug it in.

The other issue i have mentioned before and will mention it again , I LOVE THE LOOPS! I use them all the time now for in so many different ways to make the show better and spontenious
I can not expess my joy in how i love this part of the app, but every time my fingers go to touch the Audio segments , randomly i keep dropping the screen because there is not enough buffer zone between the TAP TO CLOSE AND THE LOOPING AREA, can something be done to improve this?
ST3 for DJ work is absolutely perfect especially when using Audio segments (LOOPS) and the MIX button is just perfect.

Check iOS Settings > Sounds and maybe iOS Settings > Notifications. Due to security reasons apps are generally not allowed to change iOS settings.

Regarding the loop problem: you will have to wait for version 4 to fix that.

    peter Due to security reasons apps are generally not allowed to change iOS settings.

    I donā€™t see a security issue here , all I want is not to be interrupted while using ST3 by anything unless itā€™s a useful warning of some kind that does not effect my audio playback.
    I find it a security issue when something interrupts me when I donā€™t want to be interrupted, and am asking Apple how dare you interrupt my performance without my permission, to me thatā€™s a security issue that needs to be fixed.
    It seems like the end user is allowed to be harassed by developers , to me that is a security issue.
    I expect once I open up a serious app, that app should have the power to make sure no interruptions are allowed.
    I will contact apple to see what is the solution here, and if there is a setting that disables this I will ask to why this is enabled as a default.
    Thanks for the tips,
    I am looking forward to V4
    Cheers Damir

    you'll need to disable all notifications, but also, per app sometimes in needed.
    if its facebook for instance, youll need to go into settings, scroll down till you see FB and disable all notifications there.

    I can't imagine you'll have that many apps that it'll take more than 15 mins to disable all those and done šŸ™‚

    I also have my ipad on do not disturb and airplane mode even though my BT and wifi enabled.

      Sharonzaz thanks so much I will try that, lately I have had sound alerts happening through the night on my iPhone 11 Pro Max as itā€™s charging near my bed itā€™s driving me nuts, same shit , I update my operating system and shitty things start happening, I wish apple would stop this bullshit, they should keep same settings on all devices and if they have introduced some new feature leave it up to us to enable it , I am sick of this crap.
      Thanks again for the advice greatly appreciated , the alternative was to throw my device in to a brick wall as I get more and more frustrated by all the apples settings.

        Damir you know you can switch on the do not disturb option when you go to bed, set it to come on at a certain time and off in the morning?

          Sharonzaz I have done that 11.30pm to 8.30am , I only started having issues since last update on Stage with ST3 being interrupted by mutes when notification appears on top of screen and on my iPhone through the night I get beeps notifications like my battery is fully charged , or other useless things, I have gone through everything I can think of to disable this without success, itā€™s driving me nuts that after all these years using apple products since their birth I canā€™t seem to work out what this obvious hidden setting is.
          It shows how apple donā€™t care anymore about keeping things simple and logical for end users, they constantly keep adding features most of us donā€™t need or want I wish my wallet was as full as their settingsšŸ˜‚
          The logic should be if you add a feature turn it off and let the user decide to turn it on if they need it, donā€™t assume everyone wants it and ram it down our throats, this applies to ST3 all special or new additions should be an option we can choose to turn on if really needed at our choosing, this way all users make the decision of what they want and then they know how to deal with it.
          Thanks again for all your suggestions it looks like I have to piss in apples ear again šŸ˜«

            Damir I have updated two iPhones and two iPads to ios17 and I had none of these issues šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø yes there are new settings to use or turn off but I know nothing about these things you are having trouble with. Just disable every app (in settings- scroll down and go app by app) notifications and bobs your uncle šŸ˜Š

              Sharonzaz Thanks for that tip but I have used the do not disturb option with a set time 11pm to 9am and yes I never got interrupted its after the latest updates it has started, after speaking to apple SIRI SUGGESTIONS might be my problem , it was enabled on my phone but it was disabled on my iPad which also got unexpected notifications, but because in FOCUS settings on my phone I had enabled SHARE ACROSS DEVICES I am assuming SIRI notifications was pushed to my IPAD while I was performing , even though I had the iPad in aeroplane mode on and notifications turned off as well as wifi disconnected the notification from my phone must have still been shared to the iPad via Bluetooth and created the pop down and mute of audio, so now I have turned off Siri suggestions and share across devices on all of my devices I am hoping I will get a good night sleep and wonā€™t get embarrassed on stage, WHAT A COMPLICATED BROTHELšŸ˜±!
              Thanks again I will confirm if this has fixed the problem.

                Damir yes it has fixed unexpected notifications, so the warning is,if you have multiple devices on the same apple account, make sure FOCUS SHARE ACROSS DEVICES IS OFF ON ALL DEVICES and focus status is OFF .
                Show Previews
                Screen Sharing notifications Off

                Announce notifications OFF
                SIRI Suggestions Is OFF

                Use Airoplne mode
                Turn off wifi if you dont need it , it will save you power if running on flatteries šŸ¤Ŗ
                Turn OFF mobile data if using phone , saves power and no interruptions.

                In sound and haptics
                Turn off Haptics , never play
                Keyboard feedback, NONE.

                WITH ALL THIS COMPLICATED CRAP TURNED OFF HOPEFULLY YOU WONT GET UNEXPECTED AUDIO APPEARING OR DISSAPEARING and if that doasnt help just smash your device against a wall and perform without it šŸ˜‚
                I love technology!

                  Damir all stuff Iā€™ve done years ago, itā€™s always been like that, all that kak needs to be turned off

                    Sharonzaz i wish ST3 had the power to do all that for us when its active and set it back no the way it was when you exit the program it would be soooo much easier.šŸ™

                    As I wrote, apps are not allowed to change iOS settings for very good reasons. It would be a security nightmare.

                      peter I thought Apple is Policing what you can and canā€™t do , so if itā€™s logical to have certain settings Automated what is the security risk , if the software is much more thoughtfully designed for the end user , itā€™s much better if everything is automatically perfectly setup for the user to benefit then for the user to stumble around a non logical OS settings and possibly unknowingly create problems or even security risks.
                      Every app depending on its purpose should be able to have OS settings control to suit the apps needs to make it perfectly simple for the end user with Apples supervision .
                      This way the end user just fires up the app he needs and will have no issue of surprises due to poor OS settings choices, which only very computer literate people can understand.
                      If I as the end user give permission for you to create the perfect environment to make things easy for me Apple should see the logic and give you permission to do only those things they approve for that app.
                      So then we all benefit Apple sells more devices you get more users using your app and we the customer are very happy because we can spend more time using the software and less time farting around with complex OS settings.
                      ST3 has enough of those already.
                      On stage nothing should bother me especially loosing audio that is a major NO NO, all my normal settings were set for this not to happen yet it did happen as FOCUS was introduced and there is a combination of settings that allowed this to happen, this is not acceptable,
                      The same applies to getting alerts on my phone while sleeping yet all my settings were set for this not to happen but the over engendered operating system has failed due to itā€™s ridiculous flexibility and complexity.
                      Thatā€™s why my suggestion of the actual apps making these decisions to setup the operating system to make it absolutely perfect for the user to use the app without needing to be a genius would be a much wiser thing to do by Apple, they still have a final say, the customer points out the bad logic and you have the freedom to create the perfect app with apple overlooking as to what app gets what permissions.
                      Anyway itā€™s just my thoughts no pressure to do anything as I am in semi retirement and have plenty of time to fiddle.

                      Damir maybe have a dedicated playback iPad/iPhone and turn off updates?

                      Used devices are pretty cheapā€¦

                        Skid thanks Skid I use my iPad Pro as my main device , iPad 9th gen as my backup / guest device, my iPhone 11 Pro Max 512gb as my background music/very small gig / god help me backup/ rehearse anywhere device, and my wifeā€™s latest iPad Pro as just another backup device that stays at home incase all my devices go missing , iMac is another backup/ editing tool I use at home to create complicated backing songs using LOGIC,
                        So I feel pretty safe itā€™s just the apple operating system has flaws in it where FOCUS and NOTIFICATIONS on multiple devices on same account can stuff you up on stage and in bed if you turn certain buttons on without knowing the consequences, if I choose not to be disturbed in one device no other setting should override this , but it does.
                        The settings on apple devices has become too smart and flexible for its own good.
                        I like the flexibility while not on stage but I hate it on stage or in bed, thatā€™s why I suggest a do not disturb switch in the ST3 app operating system settings this should have a switch so we can turn it on/off for ST3 to simply not allow any interruptions and this includes when sleeping it should obey my time settings when do not disturb is in action.
                        This then makes it very easy to setup for us the user.