Hi everyone.

Today when opening Stage Traxx 3 app on my mac (OS Catalina) i found that the program has no sound at all. I tried all other apps on my computer and everything works fine (with sound) ...
Been checking the audio routing in case something was wrong, and all is set as it has when it was working just fine (yesterday)...
Even restored my latest backup file hoping for it to solve the problem and still no sound.
Deleted the app from the computer and then reinstalled it and im still having the same issue...

Would anyone know how to solve this ?

Check your volume settings. Maybe you set the playlist volume to -inf.

    peter Hi Peter! Thanks for replying.
    Ive checked the playlist volume and it is as always have been at 0.0db. 🫤

    Are you already running the new version 3.8.13 of Stage Traxx?

    I am afraid version 3.8.13 might have broken the audio output on Catalina. I have halted the release and will publish a hotfix version 3.8.14 as soon as possible (most likely tomorrow). If you can restore version 3.8.12 (any version before yesterday) from a time machine backup, that should get you going until the hotfix is available.

      peter Thanks again Peter! Il be waiting for the hotfix version 3.8.14. Cheers

      3.8.14 is now available in the AppStore.

        peter Its working just fine now! Thanks a lot for your patience and work. I really apreciate it