I've spent several frustrating days trying to figure this out.
Hopefully this will help someone in the future.
My wife (key bass player) has sounds programmed on her MODX+ for our live show.
They're all saved as Live Sets - 36 songs spanning 3 Live Set pages.
From Yamaha's Data List manual:

I tried dozens of versions of MIDI syntax in ST3 to call up a Live Set slot to no avail.
It takes THREE COMMANDS to call up a Live Set slot (assuming MIDI channel 1):
MSB is called up via CC0
LSB is called up via CC32
In the above example CC0.62 calls up user Live Sets.
The next command CC32.0 calls up Live Set Page 1
(this MIDI command needs to be 1 less than the real world).
Then you need a third command PC0 to call up the first Live set slot (upper left).
(Again, this MIDI command needs to be 1 less than the real world).
For example: assuming MIDI Ch 1, if you wanted Slot 14 of User Live Set Page 5 the command would be:
I hope this helps the next person trying to figure this out.
Phil in New Mexico