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  • Is anyone experiencing apps jamming while using st3 ?

Hi guys.

I have 2 pads one old and one just over a year old 9th gen which is running iOS 15.6.1

I use touch osc for 99% of my shows, but use st3 for the odd song that I need lyrics, I’ve skipped between touch osc and st3 for years without issue. Lately I’ve found that when I’m mid show and jump to st3 for a few tunes, I push home to get in to touch osc in order to maybe turn up my mic or pc volume, and the osc is jammed. I shut down osc, reload and regain control. It’s happening on both pads running old and latest versions of st3. I can live with it because I have a touchscreen laptop.

Any ideas appreciated.


    Hi damir,

    TouchOSC is an app that gives you control of midi devices wirelessly in my case from an iPad. I use it to select backing tracks on my computer, and to control the levels of my digital mixer. It’s been solid for years and never gets updated by the creator.

    Maybe you should post this problem in a touch osc forum. I don't see why this would be a problem with Stage Traxx.


      Hi Peter, yes maybe I should, the problem is, is that touch osc has not been updated in years and works perfectly on my pad right now, and only freezes when I come out of st3.
      So I thought I’d ask if anyone is experiencing similar issues here. Obvioulsy the solution is to run seperate pads focused on a single app.



      My guess is that it is suspended by iOS when you work in ST3 as ST3 might need all resources on your iPad. It then has trouble restoring its state when you switch back.

        Kevtyler I use touch osc for 99% of my shows, but use st3 for the odd song that I need lyrics, I’ve skipped between touch osc and st3 for years without issue.

        It sounds all so complicated , what does Touch OSC do that ST3 can’t on its own? Perhaps it’s time you make the break and go simple, it might take some effort initially but you will benefit in the long run.
        Unless ST3 can’t do something Touch OSC does, perhaps give us some idea of what it does well and Peter might consider it and some of us might appreciate it as well.
        I just sat through a 19 min demo of Touch OSC and now i know what it does, feedback , its the most boring demo i have ever seen yes the app is very good in playing loops that probably took ages to create then you put yourself through torture to place them live in to a hopefully great sequence that will entertain an audience that would be very bored watching someone pushing buttons all night, then comes ST3 to be tacked on to the system to help with the lyrics , why would you torture yourself to do this when all you need to do is record your greatest sequences in one long session break them up in to 24 ST3 loops attach lyrics to where they are needed and have fun with the audience when on a loop and still have enough freedom to jump to 24 loop points to finish or jump back on loops you have previously created to perfection , the audience would find you more entertaining as you could spend more time with them than staring at an app interface pushing buttons.
        I might be missing something here, and i apologise in advance if so, but if you really need to do this then ask the Touch OSC developers to integrate lyrics in to their software to make it easier for you.

        Or simplify your life and go ST3 fully and use Touch OSC as a tool to create a final product, like most of us that use keyboards and various other tools to create our backing tracks.
        Hope i have helped in some way, loop on! 🤪


          Thanks Peter

          I might rig up a carrier for 2 pads if it becomes a big issue.




          hi damir

          I have a windows laptop, it runs a program called Showmagic. Showmagic syncs audio and dmx and midi to 1/24th of a second. Touch osc starts and stops the sequences and allows me to control my digital desk, and trigger smoke machines guitar fx pedals etc, from instructions embedded in to Showmagic or in to the sequences. Showmagic and stage tracks trigger these sequences wirelessly using wireless midi over Wi-Fi, you need an app called rtp midi on the laptop to achieve this. I can’t use any iOS app to eradicate the need for a computer right now. I don’t use any of the audio facilities of st3, i use it as a lyric screen that sends wireless midi commands to a computer, but I’ve used it straight to a desk for non midi non dmx gigs, it’s a great app.



            Kevtyler I see now , wow !!! Pitty you cant find one app that does everything for you simply , well good luck in your search and i hope Peter can help to get ST3 to do what it did before.
            Cheers Damir


              Thanks mate, I’ll never know what the problem is, you have app version updates windows updates and one thing and another updates, I’m sick of it. There’s no way I can definitely say it’s down to st3, as that hasn’t changed lately unlike bloody windows.

              How it downloads updates when I’m not connected to the net is beyond me. Unless it works light a torrent site ?



              peter hi Peter

              The situation gets more odd, presuming the 2 apps didn’t want to play nice on one pad, I built a bracket to mount 2 pads on one mic stand, then intended to use 1 app per pad and then a new issue raised its head.

              On touch osc I send midi prg 05 on ch 10 to my laptop sequencer, this runs a 5 second sequence which basically loads a muted scene in to my x air desk, then loads a basic scene with basic reverb and a few live mics and guitar. So when I send this command, whatever song that is selected on st3 begins to play. I don’t have any midi commands set up on st3 other than the midi msgs embedded in lyrics. So I’m just scratching my head now, as this has never happened before

              I’m going for a lay down, will delete all these later.



              Do you have anything setup in Settings > Assign Actions?

                peter I don’t have anything in that section as I don’t like using Bluetooth on stage. I rely completely on st3s ability to send midi program changes from the lyric text. I’m just setting all my gear up now, so will through all my settings.

                Many thanks


                Hi Peter

                I’ve just set the whole system up and this is what I have found. My main iPad, the newish one, did not have any commands applied in “ settings - assign actions “

                However my old iPad was used with a Bluetooth pedal and the start stop settings volume up etc where specified even though I did a factory reset on this pad recently.
                So I realise now that St3 is responding to incoming midi commands over Wi-Fi via rtp midi. I’ve never been able to make this work before, I thought the remote control settings where for Bluetooth mid??

                Can I say you Peter, are the remote control settings etc, saved in the full back ups ??.?

                So that is one of my issues resolved, I’ll monitor the other issue of st3 and osc throttling each other at the next few gigs.

                Thanks for the help Peter.

                Yes, remote control settings are stored in the backup file.


                  Thanks Peter.

                  Now that I’ve realised that st3 can receive song select and start stop commands over my wireless network, it’s going to make my life easier. I’ve never been able to get it to work before but it’s lucky that my sequencer sends out suitable syntax. I always thought that remote control was Bluetooth only, so I’m very happy.

                  Many thanks
