• Beta
  • Open Beta Version 3.8.0

Hello, Peter! So many great features are introduced in 3.8 Beta! 😍 8 tracks are very welcome, thank you very much! Setting that allows to change track mutes during playback without them being stored will be at constant use now.
Looking forward to test Highlighting Lyrics feature by brightness. At the moment I have to add at least one [00:00] timecode to make it work in all songs (if there is no timecode all lyrics/chords will remain grey). Almost all my lyrics are time coded, but not all (if it's only 4 chords song - no time code needed).

Visual Metronome is not working for me. Can't see flashing no matter what I tried. I know it is song depended (tested with single mp3, multitrack and lyrics only songs with any duration). Maybe I missed something. iPad OS 14.7.1

New behaviour when searching in the song list (now it will ignore current filter) is the opposite of what I would prefer. My library consist of many duplicate songs (same song but in a different key for different singer). Luckily I color coded everything (one singer - one color, another singer - another color) and songs are named +2 or -3 to indicate a key. When I am adding songs to a playlist I make a filter for that particular singer, that way I can choose songs faster. Please 🙏 , consider adding a setting in the menu for this feature (to include filter or to ignore it). Sure, many people will find new behaviour very useful, but at the moment I have to double check each song when making a playlist.

    SignalProducer At the moment I have to add at least one [00:00] timecode to make it work in all songs (if there is no timecode all lyrics/chords will remain grey)

    That's certainly not intended. Lyrics should not be greyed out if there is no timecode present. I will fix that in the next beta.

    SignalProducer Visual Metronome is not working for me. Can't see flashing no matter what I tried. I know it is song depended (tested with single mp3, multitrack and lyrics only songs with any duration). Maybe I missed something. iPad OS 14.7.1

    I tested on iOS15, 16 and 17 without issues. What metronome mode have you used? Also is there a particular reason why you do not update to iOS15? Any device capable of running iOS14 can also run 15.

    SignalProducer New behaviour when searching in the song list (now it will ignore current filter) is the opposite of what I would prefer.

    In my opinion the current behavior makes more sense but I see the need to make this configurable. I will see what I can do.

      A question regarding iCloud sync: I think enabling iCloud sync is still a bit confusing for a lot of users and can produce unexpected results. I could try to improve it like this:

      When user tries to enable iCloud sync, ST3 will check if there is already data present in the cloud. If not, sync is enabled and your data is transferred into the cloud. If there is data present in the cloud, you get a choice whether you want to upload the data of the current device, wiping anything in the cloud, or download from the cloud, wiping anything present on your device.

      There will be no more option to merge the local data with the cloud. But as this is usually responsible for unexpected results, I guess it might be preferable to get rid of this option.

      What do you all think?

      peter I tested on iOS15, 16 and 17 without issues. What metronome mode have you used? Also is there a particular reason why you do not update to iOS15? Any device capable of running iOS14 can also run 15.

      I tested metronome in all modes - Stop, Play and Both. None of them worked for me.

      Well, I use Jailbreak, mainly to manage cache in applications without deleting them, global ads block and for some small tweaks like Copy/Paste history right in the keyboard (Copypasta) or text recognition/better screenshots (Snapper 2). It is very stable and there are not many useful new features in a newer iPad OS updates (that I can use on a 2017 year device). Hope no one is against jailbreak on this forum. Stable > Newest

        After update I went to do a multitrack song and get Free version limitation notice, wanted me to purchase. I have been doing multitrack songs for a couple of days testing and all was great until this new update.

          peter Added

          Song export files (.stsa) can now be imported by using the + button in song list

          No they cant, i have created .stsa file in 3.75 saved it to downloads when in 3.8 beta i try to load it, it flashes a notice that cant be read as it quickly disappears , i assume it is some kind of an options menu, but nothing happens.

          I have some issues with the whole .stsa process as well.
          Point one when you select a playlist , you can only export the whole playlist as .stsa file and as this is the case why isn't the name of the playlist automatically saved as the .stsa name example if its Pub Gig then that exported .stsa file should be named Pub Gig.stsa instead of Exprted files, what if you have a number of playlists you export will they all be named exported files.stsa it makes no sense.

          Point two, when importing i should not have to specify i am importing exported files, i should just be able to select .stsa files in the from local and cloud files , it should just let me import .stsa files from that selection, why create another unnecessary option that really should be labeled more clearly anyway IMPORT .STSA FILES so at least it makes more sense. From song export files, makes no sense as it does not relate to .stsa files. Most users don't really know what .stsa really means or is so at least call it as it is so we can all relate to the files we are dealing with.
          Its hard enough to keeping track of everything, .stsa should be treated just like importing .mp3 or .wav etc.

          It would be nice to be able to export .stsa files that are selected in the EDIT window so you dont have to export the whole playlist.
          Metronome is much better now in the location its in .
          I have had strange things happening in v 3.75 as I've been testing but will wait to see how 3.8 goes and after i do a large gig coming up, i might start considering using multitrack songs after i see how things work, cause its a very big step to change 300+ songs to multitrack.
          Great work Peter you are always breaking new ground, ❤️it.

            ventman After update I went to do a multitrack song and get Free version limitation notice, wanted me to purchase. I have been doing multitrack songs for a couple of days testing and all was great until this new update.

            Didn't change anything with the purchases. Anyway, just restore your purchase or make a new purchase. Beta versions do not bill you for anything.

            Damir No they cant, i have created .stsa file in 3.75 saved it to downloads when in 3.8 beta i try to load it, it flashes a notice that cant be read as it quickly disappears , i assume it is some kind of an options menu, but nothing happens.

            They can be imported with +. I see the bug you describe but that happens when you load the export file through the Share dialog in the Files app. It is indeed a dialog asking what to do with existing songs. I will try to fix it in the next update.

            Damir why isn't the name of the playlist automatically saved as the .stsa name

            I guess I left that out because I did not know how to name it if you select multiple songs.

            Damir Point two, when importing i should not have to specify i am importing exported files, i should just be able to select .stsa files in the from local and cloud files

            Unfortunately that does not work as you can select multiple audio files to create multiple songs in one go, but you can not import multiple song archives. Therefore two different menu entries.

            Damir It would be nice to be able to export .stsa files that are selected in the EDIT window so you dont have to export the whole playlist.

            I can add that.

              peter Didn't change anything with the purchases. Anyway, just restore your purchase or make a new purchase. Beta versions do not bill you for anything.

              Did that. It just goes back to the pay screen. Like I said it was going fine until update.

              peter They can be imported with +. I see the bug you describe but that happens when you load the export file through the Share dialog in the Files app. It is indeed a dialog asking what to do with existing songs.

              I actually used the + import first and it does the same thing as trying the share dialog, they both fail the same way..

                peter Damir why isn't the name of the playlist automatically saved as the .stsa name

                I guess I left that out because I did not know how to name it if you select multiple songs.

                As far as i can see you can only export full playlists and nothing else so naming the export of this type should have the playlists name so you can distinguish between all different playlist exports.
                Perhaps if you can give us the ability to export individual selection of songs then have that named as you have now and we can then add on a numeric id version number or change the name to suit before the export.
                I know we can do that now already but it would save time if exporting full playlists to auto name the export to the playlists name.
                Good luck, Im keenly waiting to be able to import .stsa files so i can do more testing.

                  Damir As far as i can see you can only export full playlists and nothing else so naming the export of this type should have the playlists name so you can distinguish between all different playlist exports.

                  No, you can export a full playlist and one or more songs in the song list. Naming a playlist export and a single song is easy, but what to do with multiple songs?

                  Damir I actually used the + import first and it does the same thing as trying the share dialog, they both fail the same way..

                  You are right. I swear this was working at one point, or did I only test it on MacOS?

                    It would be nice if I could copy/duplicate a playlist. Could that be a 3.8 thing?

                      peter Thanks Peter, I feared that was the case😄I searched 'duplicate playlist' in the help menu, but nothing came up. Great job, Peter!

                      Amazing work Peter, 8 tacks and 8 out + main this is great, will use it for sure! Love that you have simplified the Audio Routing as well! I would even suggest to go one step further, by allowing users to rename the tracks in the tops section (Multitrack Output). Doing so, you could eliminate the bottom table for renaming the tracks. It would also be easier to read and to figure out quickly what track goes with what output (no need to lookup to the other table anymore). Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work, I really enjoy Stage Traxx!

                      peter No, you can export a full playlist and one or more songs in the song list. Naming a playlist export and a single song is easy, but what to do with multiple songs?

                      Ok, what if you just fix the import and naming of playlists so I can then play around with exporting in song mode , I believe it would be good enough, if we choose more than one song the naming of the file as default could be something like Exported .stsa file 1 , 2, 3 etc and allow us to rename it to whatever we like should do the trick, then when we need to import these files just call it as it is IMPORT .STSA FILES so it’s nice and clear, what .STSA is or does, doesn’t matter to us users, all we know is that our songs are transferred with all the necessary data that comes with the song and it will play perfectly the same as in the original device.
                      But firstly I need to be able to load the songs before I can test anything further.

                      Hi Peter, I’ve just tried to share an audio file to the Beta ST3 with no success, the file appears in the Beta folder but the refresh pull down trick does not expose the song so apart from using the full backup restore I can’t load any songs , I don’t want to use full restore as my size is 22gb and I purposely am using the other methods of import to test things , so good luck with it all, I will test further after all the other things are working.
                      Cheers Damir

                      New Beta build 8861

                      This update contains all fixes so far.

                      I tried to improve the cloud enabling process to prevent situations where enabling cloud sync could cause unexpected results. ST3 will check whether there is already data in the cloud. If there is no data in the cloud, then it will inform you that after the app is restarted, your local data is uploaded to the cloud. If there is already data in the cloud, it will inform you that all local data is deleted and then redownloaded from the cloud. It is no longer possible to merge the local data with cloud data (which did not work reliably anyway).

                      So basically the cloud data is always the master. It is no longer possible to delete data in the cloud accidently just by enabling cloud sync on any device.

                      If you want to delete the data in the cloud, you need to disable cloud sync on all devices (which will keep the data intact on these devices) and then delete the cloud data in ST3 settings or in the iCloud preferences. After that the first device where cloud sync is enabled will upload all local data to the cloud. All other devices joining after that will delete their data and download it from the cloud.


                      • It is now possible to export selected songs from a playlist in edit mode
                      • Added search scope selection when using the searchbox. Either search in all songs or in the filtered song list.


                      • Changed the way cloud sync is enabled (see above)
                      • Song export files are named after playlist or exported song (when only 1 song is exported)


                      • Possible crash on iPhones with iOS17 when exiting the song search
                      • Import of stsa files does not show the import options dialog and will abort
                      • Greyed out lyrics in songs without timecode when highlight with brightness is active