Hello, Peter! So many great features are introduced in 3.8 Beta! 8 tracks are very welcome, thank you very much! Setting that allows to change track mutes during playback without them being stored will be at constant use now.
Looking forward to test Highlighting Lyrics feature by brightness. At the moment I have to add at least one [00:00] timecode to make it work in all songs (if there is no timecode all lyrics/chords will remain grey). Almost all my lyrics are time coded, but not all (if it's only 4 chords song - no time code needed).
Visual Metronome is not working for me. Can't see flashing no matter what I tried. I know it is song depended (tested with single mp3, multitrack and lyrics only songs with any duration). Maybe I missed something. iPad OS 14.7.1
New behaviour when searching in the song list (now it will ignore current filter) is the opposite of what I would prefer. My library consist of many duplicate songs (same song but in a different key for different singer). Luckily I color coded everything (one singer - one color, another singer - another color) and songs are named +2 or -3 to indicate a key. When I am adding songs to a playlist I make a filter for that particular singer, that way I can choose songs faster. Please , consider adding a setting in the menu for this feature (to include filter or to ignore it). Sure, many people will find new behaviour very useful, but at the moment I have to double check each song when making a playlist.