I was following the ST3 Tempo request thread, and suggested how it would be great if it was possible to facilitate using a Soundbrenner Vibrating Metronome. Well it turns out that this works with Stage Trax already. I just didn´t know it at the time. It´s a bit of a comlex set up initially.
But it is possible to Bluetooth Midi connect the metronome to ST3.
Then if I enable Midi Clock On in ST3, the BPM of the song is sent to the Soundbrenner and a midi START command triggers the metronome to pulse.
First I tried using the Playback Settings Send Midi:
So on Stop - I send STOP
On Playback Ends I send STOP
But using On Play the metronome beats just before the first beat of my backing tracks.
I needed to add a slight delay in the track. I remember reading somewhere that ST3 has a slight delay before a track starts playing.
In my lrics sheet I have added: [midi@00:00.10: START] which seems to do the trick.
Possible BUG: while the above works, [midi@00:00.20: START] does not.
After a bit of expiremntation every time I entered works except 00:00,20,
.19 is good, .21 is good but not .20
Any ideas ?
As it happens when I was originally testing, I forgot I was using bluetooth audio, just didn´t occur to me and .20 seemed to be the perfect time to trigger START. :-) .21 was perfectly fine and then I realised and turned off the bluetooth audio and I settled on .10 delay for direct ipad audio. Silly me.
Next question: Is it possible to change tempo mid song.
If a song picks up its pace half way through, is there any way to for example, [tempo:01:35.50 BPM=150]