Damir Hello Damir, the more I progress with setting up the show, the more I can see how to easily have things happen.
First, I am using the ST3 like it should be used normally for a few songs then progressing into extended arrangements. Perhaps the easiest (KISS-keep it simple...) is to move off ST3 and onto a looper or something like that. Just smoothly began the live instruments performance.
More on this later. I guess there is always a way out of the box.
I have a more pressing question. It's the same as mentioned before with using ST3 and AUM but AUM only sees the app and not the outputs for routing into different apps. My way out of this is to simply make a Y cable and plug my headphone into both the headphone out and the main out as I need to hear my cues and send at least 2 separate outputs to the mains. AUM could route this if outputs were identified. This may be an AUM issue because if I use Rogue Amoeba Audio Hijack on a Mac, I can route the targeted outputs but on IOS, AUM does not have this ability.
If there is a way to do this routing, please describe it.
The reason for the mixing headphone with main output is that I am using the iPad as a virtual guitar amp with Amplitube on the left channel so I need to hear the final mix (guitar on left/ST3 on right along with Cues out of the actual headphone)
Any thoughts on this?