After spending 7 hours yesterday with the guitarist in my band to review all of his effects MIDI automation timings, and refining them for precise timings, I had some thoughts on functionality that I hope can be included when this capability is included in ST4.
Because of the way I export my backing tracks from my DAW, I'm never starting from the start of the sequence/project. E.g. I might start my count-in at bar 2 and song intro is bar 4. When I export the audio, I export from Bar 1 Beat 4 so there is always 1 beat of blank audio in my backing track audio files.
So when using the ST3 MIDI automation features, I always use an offset to factor this time difference with the MIDI commands that I'm currently manually copying out of my DAW,
If in ST4 we have the ability to save a MIDI 'stem' (that contains MIDI commands to automate devices) from a DAW and attach that to a song in ST4, if there is no ability to control the start time of the MIDI stem export (the case for me as far as I've found in Cakewalk Sonar), then I'd definitely need an ability to define an offset for the MIDI file I'm attaching to my multitrack audio song.
Judging by what I've seen in ST3, I'm sure you've already thought about this, but I just wanted to call in out just in case!