• GeneraliOS
  • Stage Traxx recognizes bluetooth control but doesn't implement commands

I have an M-vave Chocolate bluetooth programmable foot controller. It's bluetooth-connected to my iPad; Stage Traxx recognizes it as well. I can select Learning for any Assignable Action, press a button on the Chocolate and the change will register in the Assign Actions menu. For example, I have Chocolate button set for Midi Channel 1, CC1. The assignment for the action in Stage Traxx (in this case "start/stop playback" reads "MIDI Ch1 CC1" in the Assign Actions table. Yet nothing happens when I press the button- playback doesn't start or stop.

I've tested the same hardware configuration in Camelot Pro and it works as it should. Why is it not working in Stage Traxx?

MIDI remote actions will always ignore 0 values to prevent double triggering of actions. So if a device sends for example CC1 value 127 when the pedal is pressed and CC1 value 0 when it is released, the second command is ignored. Maybe your device is only sending 0 values.

You could check with a midi monitor what exactly is sent when you press a button. Please post the output of the monitor here.

In the Foot Controller app, I had the data 1 and data 2 values both at zero. When I changed them both to 1, the command works correctly.

So I have another challenge. How do I send a midi command from Stage Traxx to a receiving app, in this case Camelot Pro? I use Camelot to set up scenes for switching among virtual instruments at different points in the timeline. Basically what I want to do is for Stage Traxx to tell Camelot to start playback at the same time. That way my scrolling lyrics in Stage Traxx are in sync with the virtual instrument changes I've placed in the Camelot timeline. In Camelot, it lists Stage Traxx as a source to receive midi from. Furthermore, I can assign midi CC and channel to correspond with a Play / Pause command. But I don't understand how to get Stage Traxx to communicate with Camelot.

    LeesKeys download an app called midimittr and you should be able to get them to communicate through that.

    thanks. installed and I have Stage traxx as the source and Camelot Midi input to receive. Now what?

      LeesKeys I assume you can set a channel on Camelot for it to receive midi messages on or it has the ability to learn midi messages?

        I think it should even work without midimittr. If Camelot creates a virtual midi port, ST3 will automatically send midi messages to that port. If not, you could enable the virtual output port in ST3. Maybe that is recognized in Camelot.

        So it looks like Stage Traxx should be communicating with Camelot. Could I use a midi monitoring app to see if this is working?

        Do I need to create a midi script for my desired action? And where would this be "put"? I have a vague idea about what I'm doing. Feeling very unsure of myself. Any specifics would be greatly appreciated.

        I've watched the tutorial several times and am starting to wrap my head around this stuff. So a Port on the sending end connects to a receiving port on the other end, sort of a tunnel allowing transmission of midi messages. I was able to successfully implement a play command using code in the Playback-Send Midi- Play section. On the receiving end (Camelot Pro), I made sure that ST3 was active as a midi in source. I then went to the Remote Control section of CP, found Play/Pause and entered the same code (CC3, channel 1, value 127). So now when I trigger Play in ST3, it starts playback in both apps.

        Question- How do I implement the Play/Pause command? Do I need to add more code on to what I already have to get the playheads to pause when I press the remote button a second time?

        You want to play/pause ST3 from within Camelot or the other way around?

        Then you could set up a global command that is always sent when press play or stop. See the midi settings in Settings > Playback.