Intro/Solo - chord only section without lyrics the chords are jammed together. Would be nice to have a simple way to have them separated for easier visibility.
Chord display separation
Don't write plain chord lines in brackets. Then you can put as many whitespace in between as you want.
peter but then would they transpose?
Yes they would.
Please… How do I place chords within bars, rather than just a bunch of chords?
|C |Am |F G |
See here (especially the part about forcing a line to be displayed as chords):
I use slashes.
| [C]/ / / / | [Am]/ / / / | [F]/ / [G]/ / |
Midimannz Please… How do I place chords within bars, rather than just a bunch of chords?
|C |Am |F G |
If You mean you want to highlight a chord at the correct time it is needed?
Then just place your chords in the editor like this as it’s faster and easier to timestamp.
Then time stamp them
Then place that data on one line with spaces between as required
[12.05.22]C [13.11.21]Am [14.14.14]F [15.15.15]G
Now the chords are on one line and will change colour to you needs and if they are all on the first beat of the bar then they will change at the beginning of every bar as you mentioned you wanted it.
Riff ok I see, normally I use my ears to when a chord change is needed and I use the highlighted chord so I can easily see the chord on screen and I program it to highlight slightly early so it shows me the next chord but I use my ears and the feel of the song to make the exact change to suit the music backing, sometimes having to much information spoils the pleasure of playing a live instrument it makes you a robotic performer which spoils the fun in playing, I always try to explain to people if I see a performer that performs perfectly I might as well stay home and listen to a cd recording.
So let your hair down and live a little, take a chance of changing the song to your interpretation on the run cause that’s the fun of it.
Good luck with it.
- Edited
Riff i agree it takes time and i hate wasting time, but its well wort it if its a song thats coplicated and you dont play it often, placing slashes is also a time consuming thing but gives you no real value as its not synced to anything you migt as well use PDF thats just the same as having a piece of paper in front of you, it does nothing else, using highlighting and timecoding actually gives you power to jump around a song and quickly have all the information right there in big format letering that stands out at a distance.You could go to extreme visual help by timecoding every slash/beat if you leally need accurate guidance but that would be going in to time wasting i only use that if a song has no backing audio present so it visually keeps me in touch with the return to audio point, but now we have loops i can easily pause and cue up my next audio segment and trigger it to start whenever i want and i use the visual metronome to keep me it time so i can flirt around a bit and even if i skip a beat or two in a long blank segment it does not matter as long as i come back in time .
This is freedom to create and not be locked in to slashes.
You can force lines to be displayed as chords no matter what they contain. See here: