• FeaturesiOS
  • Some suggestions/ideas for this already great App

Hello to everyone here. I was invited here by Peter over a YT comment I made regarding some propositions and ideas I have using backing tracks for the last several years.
I am not sure if any of the following have already been mentioned and I am relatively new user of the ST3 app and may have missed something but let me list some ideas.
I searched this forum for a bit an it seems a lot of great ideas are being put forward and I already found some things I was searching. I am sure that Peter has his hands full but maybe those can be of any usefulness. Please anyone else just let me know your thoughts.

1) In the "Edit Audio Regions" menu:
Region(s) can be created as exclusions so the player will avoid the section. This can be saved as well so each time the song is being played the section can be ignored.

A copy-paste or duplicate function of the loops could also be very handy while creating the regions.

2) Edit playlist mode:
Duplicate songs check and removal. Songs might be inserted by mistake in the same playlist twice and this could be an easy way to catch that easily.

3) Playback & trim:

Possibility to add silence to the end? Maybe in the form of a waiting x amount of time before going on with the next song.

4) Preview on song chosing:
When you try adding songs to a playlist using the + button within a playlist it could be really nice to be able to play the songs. Maybe to remember the key or the intro or just to hear it without inserting it first.

5) Another great feature could be to be able to create a "dummy song" to be inserted in between songs in a playlist as a bookmark/separator or reminder of sorts. It will be used by many mainly for reminding a break, a speech, some action needed, intro instructions of the following song etc
This will not be any actual song it will be just a form of a quick note. Maybe upon clicking it can be opened and reveal a pdf file or a editable text.

6) Playlist scroll speed and behavior:
I use the app on an iphone in landscape orientation. Sometimes I like to scroll the playlist on the left but it is really fast and not so much precise. If the scroll speed can be adjusted when you scroll up and down the playlist that would be really useful in my situation and probably many others.

That's everything I have collected so far from using the app. Really looking forward to discuss over that and I appreciate your efforts for a such great App.

    2 - In 3.7 songs already in the set list are greyed out so this doesn’t happen.
    3 - In 3.7 you can select the song to stop at the end of the song whereas it went straight onto the next song previously.
    5 - Just create a lyrics only song and title it break or speech or whatever.

      Lishy Thank you very much for your answer. I will definitely look it up now.

      Also I forgot this one.

      7) Cross fade button:

      This could have it's own fade in and out settings and It would be great if it was snowing when the playlist is showing and not only when you are "inside" a playing song.

        SmoothMoodProject sorry in regards to point 3 the auto load next song needs to be unchecked in playback settings.

        Thanks for the suggestions. To add:

        1) As you can already schedule regions for playback there is no need for a skip mode. Just select the region after the one you want to skip and playback will jump at the end of the current region to the one you selected. Adding a new skip mode would make play mode selections complicated during playback.

        3) Or create lyrics only songs with a certain duration and add them to the playlist when you want to use autoplay but have a pause.

        6) Not sure what you mean. Scrolling is as slow or fast as you like. Depends only on the speed you swipe.

        7) This is something that will be addressed in version 4 where a complete overhaul of the user interface is planned.

          peter Thank you Peter for your answer!
          1) Regarding this one this is the way I am using it currently and it works. I figured to me mention that as it might be useful and more straight forward. Saving this also would be great as you have to press the next region to and be on top of it manually controlling the regions. Maybe it could be save so it atomically everytime it skips a region or goes from the first to the second.

          3) Done that already as per the instructions above and I think it will serve me well.

          6) I updated to 3.7 just now and now this behavior is gone. Now it follows the speed of my finger as expected.

          7) That's great. I only use the player side of the app and not the lyrics so moving in and out the sub-menu "inside" the playing song, in the small iphone screen, to find the cross fade and loop is making it less easy to navigate.

          peter Another suggestion, since we already have the ability to define and name regions, could there be a way to use that information to create new playlists (as in the DAW use of the term)? Some small utility add-on that takes the defined region data and reorders them in an automated fashion? You know, like a set of instructiions to reorder the play regions analogous to the way an ST3 set list reorders songs.

          And if it were possible to have multiple play-region-lists, it would allow the user to have a choice between (say) performing the full version, a short version and maybe an extended version.

            SmoothMoodProject 5) Another great feature could be to be able to create a "dummy song" to be inserted in between songs in a playlist as a bookmark/separator or reminder of sorts.... Maybe upon clicking it can be opened and reveal a pdf file or a editable text.

            This is already possible. I have a "gathering song" (lyrics only song) that contains no text or audio data, but displays a photo (in pdf format) with a welcome message. I use this at the beginning of my set on Sunday mornings). If you didn''t use a pdf, I believe ST3 would just display a dark/blank screen.

            Hope that helps!

              Thank you for your input!
              I already found the create lyrics only option yesterday and so far it is covering my need for a quick reminder between songs.

              amorph it would be great to be able to save multiple versions with the same audio file in different length configuration based on the region created and saved so in essence you will have the original, the "short" and the "extended version all from one song. I currently do this manually by setting up and using the regions but if this can be saved it, recalled and automatically executed would awesome!

              I do wish that we could load multiple PDFs onto a song for those occasions when the creator of the PDF did not combine a multi page song into one PDF file.

                SoloGuy It is not possible to scroll between pages of different pdf documents. I would need to combine it into a single document and together with multiple file handling that's simply too much work for something that you can easily do in the Preview app.