jamsden No, the opposite. Say I added time markers in the lyrics - that's real easy to do and fast. Now I would like to automatically create regions that use the headers and time markers to create the region start and end times, and label.
Each level 1 heading would identify a region. The first time marker following that heading would identify the start of the region. The last time marker in the lyrics before the next 1 heading would identify the end of the region. The Heading is the label for the region.
I don’t see any real advantage in that logic.
It still gives you the same amount of work as you need to fiddle to accurately place the loop points.
Entering lyrics time markers is actually a very rough thing as you are doing it manually as you are tapping it in by hand and using your ears to predetermine a hit point of line change , I always end up changing the lyrics on the AND, using this AND 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4 count you will find the AND of the 1 most comfortable change point in the lyrics as it allow you to finish a lyric and gives you the next lyric slightly early which gives your brain time to adjust and sing whichever way you choose, so you don’t sound like a repeating robot.
Doing it the other way is much more faster, creating loops is very easy as you can find rough loop points in no time spend a bit of time perfecting them and naming them and if Peter thinks it’s wise colouring in that text area to the loop colours as an extra option so you can also use colours of text to identify your place, but I think that’s just going overboard as your lyrics would have so much colour the colour highlighting of active singing line would become hard to distinguish, and now just a tap on a button transfers your time stamp markers and names of regions gives you your points to just copy and paste your lyrics in to,
This becomes a worth while time saver, the other way is just a rough guide to something that still gives you the same amount of work.
The fastest way I found is , load your backing and create your loop points, load your lyrics then sync them to the audio,
You can also do it the other way, load your backing load your lyrics time stamp your lyrics then create your loops, the two methods are the same amount of work as they are not working together to help each other save time .
By accurately creating loops first you eliminate having to fiddle with the time codes in lyrics editor afterwards.
By roughly entering time codes in text you still need to fiddle with accurately adjusting loop points , you have not achieved anything .
So I don’t agree with your option because finding loop points is very fast anyway thanks to Peters fine tweaking of the process but entering timecode to lyrics is a much slower thing that can become fiddly.
The more you edit your loop points the faster you get at it and find yourself around a song, just like learning an instrument the more you practice the better you get with it.