Lishy Hi Peter, I know you have your hands full but I wondered if the assignable seek time option could be adjustable/selectable to different times in a future update?
peter Maybe in 3.8 but I don't see a real benefit because you can already seek directly in the waveform view. The button seek will always be a compromise as the seek time will never be right for the current situation.
Lishy peter I would just find it easier pressing the button to go back or forward 2 seconds for example if the drummer gets out of time with the lyrics which happens occasionally.
Lishy peter not sure what you mean by without actual play back? I use timestamped lyrics if that’s what you mean…
peter I mean if your drummer is off, that would sound horrible if he was playing to some backings from your iPad. But I get why you would want to nudge the time in this case just by a little bit.
Lishy peter yeah we don’t play to backing tracks at the moment so yes setting the fast forward rewind time by a selectable amount between 1&10 seconds would be great.