rusty thanks Peter - almost there! about 15yrs ago I used some software as MD for a junior operatic group. For rehearsing the various singing groups my techie son designed me a simple prog that I could use on a laptop to allocate .mp3 files of the
backing tracks, either complete or sectioned, all onto the kbd keys so that I actually trigger them off at will from a remote keypad with one stroke. As I moved within the various group sections on stage it saved me no end of time not having to return to the laptop to operate a mouse to hunt for song or specific section. That software has disappeared into the ether now with the old hardware and I no longer am an MD, but it would be very useful now for a vocalist colleague working with tracks - there must must some pro software that would do the same job; any ideas?
Hi Rusty, i think i understand your exact need ,you just want to hit a key on your devices keyboard and it instantly plays the sound file you assigned to it, or if you had a midi keyboard controller keyboard you could load a song to trigger instantly on any key stroke of that, so you basically have a trigger pad arrangement.
Assuming i am correct with your need.
I use to do TV sound and very often for game shows or programs we needed instant sound stings, and the same requirement was needed, you will find there are plenty of those type apps that can do that one is called Sound Byte and there are many more similar to that where you can instantly play a track, the problem with them they dont do anything like ST3 does if you need Lyrics , loops, iclod sync very shortly, ST3 has great potential to be able to do this type of thing but it has been streamlined for on stage performers, perhaps Peter will consider a settings switch where you choose your need and flips the software to cater for the users need, this would revolutionise this software to another level not seen to date, its at that level already, you would find if peter did give you the ability to program your keyboard you would find it difficult to remember which key went with which audio file this would not work reliably as it would create lots of oops bugger moment, the best solution for your simple needs is get a player that lets you load audio files in to touch boxes that then allow you to instantly hit replay and the buttons are nicely labeled so no mistakes, ST 3 could easily do this type of thing using the song list as it is but an instant play function where it just plays a file you touch, and perhaps Peter would create a seperate remote software you can place on a different device that just instantly triggers play, this to be an additional software to ST3 designed for theatre, Television production, etc.
This would open up a whole new market for ST3.
Hope you find your solution.
Cheers Damir