Damir Respectfully, I disagree sir. I am very good at managing my media and I don't spend time searching for files. In any case, it doesn't need to be an either/or choice. Both functions could co-exist.
My primary use case: I have all l my performance mixes and stems in dedicated folders and then redundant copies of those folders. As a music minister, I schedule 360+ songs per year & perform with a choir and other musicians week in and week out. I have a lot to manage around performances on Sunday mornings, coordinating those musicians and attending to other duties for worship. If something failed, I don't have the time or bandwidth to be tied to my computer restoring from a backup. It would bring everything to a halt, leaving 20+ performers waiting and potentially make service start late. However, taking 3-minutes to point software to a redundant directory IS DOABLE. Yes the BU are restore operation are quick now when I only have 14 songs & audio files, but 3 years in, I will have 1000 songs to restore - how fast will it be then?
I do agree with you about iTunes - it's a horrible app. My point was that, as bad as it is, even IT has the ability to manage file directories.