Desired ability:
I’ve loaded a 4 bar drum machine loop in as a song, and would like to loop it infinitely until I manually push Stop.
I’m also allowed to slow down/speed up the loop with perfect gaps.
Audio Regions during Playback
Select region to play next → Enable loop
Observed limitations:
I’m noticing the loop will only play for 16 bars before stopping, which bypasses my Audio Region edit for the loop to continue infinitely.
I am able to slow down/speed up the song (drum loop) without any issues.
Alternate path taken (imperfect)
Adding song (drum loop) to a playlist → swipe left on song → repeat
This works perfect IF I don’t desire to speed up or slow down the song (drum loop).
The problem with this alternate path is that slowing down or speeding up the now-repeating song (drum loop) introduces gaps, or too quick of a loop repeat.
I’ve read through documentation, but don’t see where a loop limit is enforced for an Audio Region. If logic has been added for Audio Region loop limits, can it be removed?
If I’m right about this currently-enforced loop limitation, and you agree to change it, how do I track the change release?
BTW, this app is AWESOME. ️
I’m using it inside AUM Audio Mixer app, which allows me to run backing tracks, and my other iPad VSTs (ie. pianos, synths) simultaneously.