GtrGeorge Thank you for your interest in my situation. Stay in Touch....If I am in Australia...we will have to have coffee!!
George A. Barry
PS: I just heard a nmsician from Sydney called Chris Lanzon. Young guy. I think he has the "stuff" to go far. Are you aware of him? Used to be in a BackStreet Boys type band when younger..but his bio wont reveal their names.
Most definitely George, i am in Adelaide the best city in Australia of course 🤪 look me up on facebook under Damir Romanik , i am off to Italy soon so where about are you in the world? A while back i promised Peter a beer if i ever come his way and thank him personally for ST3 but the world is so damn big and theres so much to see , i was in his part of the woods a few years before ST3 was born.
I haven't heard of Chris Lanzon but will see if i can find him, Australia is so damn big in size and small in population.
I am really looking forward to the new update !
Let me know when you come this way it would be great to catch up .
Cheers Damir