SuperBisDak I hope we could have at least 15 in the coming updates if it won't complicate anything.
There is a point where you can over segment a song where you end up with very small loops , i was going to be happy with 8, when 12 came out i thought it was too much but i have found it very good, and you are correct some songs just need that one or two extra loops, but then i found the more you break down your song the harder it becomes to use on stage, either the loops become to small for the finger users or there is too many loops to step through with a remote to make it usable on the run, i think if its not going to affect performance / reliability and if its really easy to create more loop points then its OK as we have the choice to how we run, but if its too hard and many users don't need or cant use lots of loops due to above issues mentioned then it just doesn't become worth while for Peter to spend his time on it, as its very usable now, and his time could be used to improve lots of little things that actually make a big difference on ST3 usability on and off the stage.