Hi Peter, I have just noticed this as I used my iMac as I rarely do , but it would be great if the first selection tap/click on a song selects it but then the second single tap/ click on the same selected song plays it, this saves time to go to the play button.
At the moment you have the double tap function that can do this and it’s really great, but if you don’t like the double hit on the start button and you disable it you loose the ability to double tap/click on a song itself to start it on a iMac.
So I suggest for those that like the convenience of starting a song by clicking on it can you make it so when you single Tap/click on the already selected to play song it plays it just like the double tap function.
This will please a lot of users that don’t use double tap on the start/stop button yet would benefit greatly when wanting to play a song from the song list without having to go all the way down the big 27inch iMac screen to start play.
I noticed this as I use I pad mostly and everything is close on screen and not too bad but when using a mouse on iMac with big screen it’s an unnecessary pain.
Hope it makes sense.
Cheers Damir
I have just noticed on my iPhone I can double tap to start a song in my playlist yet the double tap to start is turned off in settings , this is great because It allows me to single tap on start/stop button yet I can double tap in song playlist to start, but this logic does not follow in iMac, if I disable double click in settings then I loose the double click start in song playlist area as well, something is wrong in the iMac logic compared to iPhone and most likely iPad.