Hi Peter, I know I asked for this originally but I will ask again in case things have changed with the operating system so it allows us the user have faster and more logical loading of all different file types and then understanding to where they are and being able to have control over them with ease.
I apologise for the crappy drawing but it’s a very rough idea of the concept.
The idea is to use the ST3 folder as the go to folder then entering a sub folder that contains the data you want to deal with, these sub folders will only accept their type of files to be imported a multitrack folder will only accept another folder that contains some audio files, it will not load a folder with any other file format within it.
The .txt files will only load to the st3 folder that accepts .txt files this applies for PDFs .
ST3 instruction manual is present in the ST3 master folder that can be easily opened in settings and updated as needed, it can’t be edited or moved by users but can be copied and pasted elsewhere.
Stereo files also have their own folder just like the others, this system creates neatness and understanding by the user and would speed up workflow tremendously.
All The multitrack files that belong to a specific song are contained within their own folder that is named as the song and the track names are contained within this folder.
When you select this folder and choose to put it in to ST3 main folder , ST3 immediately puts this folder in to the multitrack folder as it is a folder and it contains audio files and then it automatically creates a multitrack song naming it the same name of this folder which is actually the song name, and it also loads automatically the first six audio tracks in to the multitrack player Ready to play, this creates the same fast workflow as the stereo tracks, you just have to create the tracks in the DAW in the order you want them in ST3 , if there are extra tracks within this song folder you can always select those extra files later as required but the first six tracks are alway immediately there for you to use.
If you contaminate this folder with a .txt or pdf file or any other foreign file format the folder will not load in to ST3 multitrack master folder.
If you load a .txt or .pdf file in to ST3 the files are immediately placed in to their respective folders within the ST3 main folder and a Lyrics only track is immediately created, if you delete these files from these folders the lyrics only tracks are removed.
You can load a stereo audio file then copy and paste the .txt from the lyrics only song , you can also have two exactly same name songs as long as they are a different type of song, meaning you can have 3 (love me tender) songs in your playlist named exactly the same but each one is either stereo, multitrack or Lyrics only, and with all that you know exactly where everything resides and it’s organised in such a logical way you wouldn’t even need instructions.
I really don’t understand how people using multitrack songs can possibly use the system now as the file handling must be a nightmare having all your multitrack files in the one place that all have drums Bass etc it must be so confusing, I personally don’t use multitracks because creating the first few gave me a headache and I could see the more songs I create the head would eventually explode.
Cheers Damir