Hi Peter, after using ST3 in various ways especially using looping on stage , i believe it would be very advantageous to have the freedom to choose a loop to play but the lyrics not to auto jump to that spot as i want to use a different lyric in the song , i want the freedom to be able to jump in and out of Auto Sync, example, i engage the crowd and stop playback i am still singing the existing chorus but i need to cue up my verse or get the solo to jump in, i don't want the lyrics to jump as i am using them but i want my solo to be ready as i am finished with the crowd and hit start i then have my solo or any other loop going then i engage auto sync again and off i go with auto sync again.
What i suggest is when we are using auto sync the two buttons that choose speed that are not used become an auto sync ON OFF TOGGLE , allowing us to disengage the auto sync by either touching the lyrics screen or by pressing this button, basically the logic of the Playhead follow function in the loop editor, which now is great to use due to logic change.
This then gives us more freedom to tease the audience which is what most software does not understand as the programmers are not performers, i believe you will understand to what i am trying to achieve with this request, just because we are running in auto sync mode should not tie us down to this , looping has given us a lot of power to be creative on stage being able to jump to any loop and choose any part of the song lyrics is just another freeing of creativity to make the audience feel like they are listening to a live band that can do a lot more than follow a click track.
Cheers Damir