I am trying to do auto play to the next song and it keeps wanting to skip a song but I JUST want it to go to the very next song on the playlist by default unless I want to change it.

Is there a way in stage Traxx 3 to have that default? without worry that it going to skip a song
I find that disconcerting

    Bojimmy1 make sure your history is cleared because if your already played songs have been marked they will be automatically skipped.
    If that’s annoying you just turn off this feature in settings.

    ok thank you!! I was looking to turn it off in setting because its Fn driving me crazy but not seeing where to turn off history

      Bojimmy1 ok thank you!! I was looking to turn it off in setting because its Fn driving me crazy but not seeing where to turn off history

      Go to General settings user interface at the bottom you will see show done marker, just turn it off.
      I find this feature very useful on a live gig as you don’t have to worry about repeating a song as it auto skips already done songs but still allows you to chose it if you really want to repeat it, plus it’s a great way to see afterwards the number of songs and which order you performed so if you had a really successful gig you can easily reproduce it and Taylor your next similar gig , this then keeps making your playlist better and better.
      I know it can be a pain when preparing things at home but I just leave it on and just go to History and clear it that way it’s not affecting you as much but after a while you will get use to it and it also helps to see easily to which songs you have been practicing or editing so you can move on to new songs you haven’t touched yet.
      I agree it seems like a pain initially but it does become your friend once you get use to it.
      Cheers Damir