When you click on a song is it possible to make it so that it opens up straight away instead of putting it across the bottom where you then have to tap on it to open it fully?

    No, only when you press play but not when you select it.

      peter Hi Peter, thanks for the reply. I’m not sure why you would want to click on a song and it only open up across the bottom and not open fully.
      Even when I press play it doesn’t open up fully until I tap on the song title itself.

        Lishy when I double tap on a song it automatically opens up the lyrics screen and it plays, so I don’t understand your issue , this is already possible.
        Can you elaborate your problem a bit more so we can understand exactly what you want.
        Cheers Damir

          Lishy Enable the setting Lyrics -> Show lyrics on play. The idea is to use the mini player when setting up your playlists and doing editing. During a gig you stay the whole time in lyrics view.

            peter ah yes activating that is better as it opens up on a double tap but could there be a way so that it opens up but doesn’t play automatically?

            I don‘t see a value gained in that. Just tap once on the title in the mini player and then stay in the lyrics view during your gig. It would drive me crazy when the view would change whenever I select a song.

              peter it’d be more for when practicing and flipping between songs rather than on gigs.
              Would be good to have the option of having it or not.

              peter I don‘t see a value gained in that. Just tap once on the title in the mini player and then stay in the lyrics view during your gig. It would drive me crazy when the view would change whenever I select a song.

              I think what he is saying is he wants the double tap in the small player in Song mode to be able to open the big player with lyrics but for it not to automatically assume you want to play the song, he just wants to see the lyrics.

              But you can just select a song in the main player and see the lyrics without starting play, so i still dont understand the need.

              AHHA! I can see this would be a good thing to have on an iphone in portrait view which i preffer to use as you have more songs in view and when you want to see the lyrics a double tap would be good if it did not play automatically as its not what you want to do , you only want to see the lyrics first then make a choice to play , because there is no quick way to monitor your lyrics on this device when choosing songs , i can definitely see a benefit there not to auto play the song when you are just browsing at home, in actual fact i would almost preffer to be able to double tap a selected song then get presented with the lyrics then i would hit start at my conveniance , i rather have my lyrics up on the screen first before i start a song because the brain needs some time to get in gear before hand, with this method now it just pops up and plays, this is not a good thing, and on iphones you have no choice, so i can definitely see the benefit of NOT auto playing a song when double tapping it on iphones.
              Well picked up lishy, are you using an iphone?

              Here is a common scenario on stage.
              You just finished a song and are engaging the audience at the same time your song has just auto selected the next song and you are ready to go except someone yells out a request you know you have and it is a perfect next choice to keep the buzz happening , you drop down the window you find this song NOW YOU WANT TO SELECT THIS SONG AS YOUR NEXT SONG WITHOUT STARTING IT IMMEDIATELY AS YOU ARE STILL ENGAGING THE AUDIENCE BUT YOU DESPERATELY NEED TO SEE THE LYRICS AS YOU HAVENT DONE THIS SONG IN AGES AND YOU NEED TO SEE THE LYRICS SCREEN TO SEE YOUR BEGINING CHORDS OR ANY INSTRUCTIONS, YOU DONT WANT THE SONG TO START IMMEDIATELY WHEN DOUBLE TAPPING.

              This definitely is a frustrating moment you dont need, so by having an option to choose this operation it would definitely be a better option on iphones and not a big problem on ipads as you have a nice playlist view on the side.

              Perhaps on ipads have it this way, if you are in song mode and you double tap on a song in the small screen the large screen opens and waits for start command while if you are in playlist mode it auto plays the song when double tapped, this way you have all scenarios covered.




              Funny I was just wondering this same thing tonight and Was going to ask … because I’ve been adding keys, & capo setting reminders at the beginning of the tunes.

              When practicing with the song list I also wouldn’t mind having the lyrics appear and then being able to choose whether the song plays or not . I just set up my first playlist tonight. If I let the software finish the song it calls up the next song and the lyrics do appear without auto playing the song unless you have the auto-play function on (in playlist mode).

              OK, I get it that with the iPhone in portrait view it would help. But on the iPad you always have the song list ready even in lyrics view. So you can easily switch to different songs while the lyrics are displayed.

                peter yes its the iphone users that would benefit mostly as they have no other option.

                I'm using an ipad not an iphone. Like Bass 88 said, it would be nice having the option as to whether the songs plays or not after you double tap on it, especially when practicing when you don't necessarily play songs in order like you would at a gig.

                  If you are using an iPad, why do you have to leave the lyrics view in the first place? On the left hand side there is the song list where you can select the next song to play. When you select a song you will immediately see the lyrics to the right.

                  Yes fair enough, I will use lyrics view as a work around.

                    Lishy Yes fair enough, I will use lyrics view as a work around.

                    It actually is not a work around its the way ST3 expects you to work, the drop down small screen just exposes editing functions, settings, etc.
                    Because there are so many things required they cant all fit on the one screen , i actually like the drop down screen because it drops down the waveform area where i think is better when using loops as you dont place your hand over the screen when changing loops, but unfortunately as soon as you hit play and expose your lyrics that area pops up again , i believe it would be a lot more user friendly on stage if it stayed in the one place down below so we can see the lyrics at all times and we are not distracted to a different layout, it would be nice to have it as a choice , i dont like loosing my lyrics screen if possible.
                    The iphone would benefit a lot if these things are sorted out as it has no option due to small screen.
                    I believe these seemingly small things would make a big difference on stage, as i have used this software long enough to see what works and what doasnt.

                    Lishy I'm using an ipad not an iphone. Like Bass 88 said, it would be nice having the option as to whether the songs plays or not after you double tap on it, especially when practicing when you don't necessarily play songs in order like you would at a gig.

                    I totally agree but for different reason , as i said earlier the iphone users would definitely benefit from this option.