jaytrax Hi Peter, just a small request if possible in a future update, can we get a user setting to set the volume buttons to be set in increments different to 1 dB For example a user setting of 0.5db etc If it's easy to implement great, if not, no worries
NachoChez jaytrax Nice tweak suggestion Jaytrax! Peter I also struggle with this one a little. My struggle is I would like to map the track volume to an endless encoder and not Up <x> Or Down <x>. I could see scenarios for both way of controlling this. Not a deal breaker, but a nice to have. Controlling the increments would definitely be a step forward. Thanks for listening.
peter I don't have a good idea how to realize this with continuous controls. MIDI does not have such a thing as a endless encoder and always translates a value between 0 and 127. I have no clue how to use this for volume changes. No approach I thought of is good in my opinion.