• Features
  • in play mode, make song list pane adjustable

I really wish that the song list side pane (the view while playing a backing track) was expandable, so that you could determine how wide you want that view to be. When you start to amass a long list of covers and some of them start out with the same words, or perhaps you have two different track variations where one has say "with drums" at the end and the other "without drums", there's no way you'd see that in the list of songs on the left.

Can we please, please, please, pretty please add this in?

    stolace thats already available you can see the arrow above the text size selection switches, just touch and hold it and drag it left or right to suit, i have songs with and without drums and a nice way to label and see the different same version songs is name your song the same but use the artist column as your WITH DRUMS WITHOUT DRUMS, that way you see the name of the song and below the name in artist column you see the different versions, plus you can do a search for DRUMS ONLY and you will only get those songs as the search also looks at the artist column. Some people might have WITH BASS, NO BASS etc, so this works well without having to create a filter , you need to see the differences instantly.

      Damir OK, that was entirely unintuitive to me — I expected to be able to click-drag the separator line between the list and the current song view (since that's a standard behavior of Finder). Thanks for the head's up. It might be a nice usability improvement to be able to click drag that thin margin between the two panes, though. Nonethless, thank you for the info!

        On a different note, @peter, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the effort you're putting into this app. It's been extremely useful to-date, and I look forward to seeing it evolve and take on new enhancements to further improve its user experience factor, add to its capabilities, and make it a household name among those of us that use backing tracks in our performances.

        stolace OK, that was entirely unintuitive to me — I expected to be able to click-drag the separator line between the list and the current song view (since that's a standard behavior of Finder

        Hi Stolace, there is a reason for having the one area on screen and a long press to activate the move, when you are performing you don't want to have any accidental behaviour happening by accidental touches, you will notice only the stop button can stop your show and even that has a safety double tap feature just incase you accidentally touch your screen, so when you go to songs list and start touching things we dont want accidental screen size movement , its basically a one of adjustment for me as i want all my song lyrics to all seem the same i use prefer 50 dpi text on lyrics perhaps down to 40 dpi for some songs with a certain song list width that i don't want changed easily as that would be annoying, the majority of my song names fit in that width but not all but thats a compromise, but i lable my DRUM SONGS AND NO DRUM SONGS IN ARTIST COLUMN so i can always see the difference between the same song names and which version it actually is, this makes my interface always remain the way i like it for all songs , i have no need to change anything on the run while i perform as i already have my hands full with operating loops.
        I work smarter not harder and thats why we all love ST3 its designed so you can work smarter and gives you a very pleasurable experiance on the final performance night.